What do you call a...

recipient of an ICD.

There are pacergirls, pacerchicks, pacers and probably pacerboys. But what do you call someome with an ICD?

An ICDer?


well, now that you asked...

by pacergirl - 2008-11-17 09:11:49

I call them electrifying! :-)
Pacergirl is my name... Pacer Chick is part of a wonderful group of which I am a part of.

I have an ICD too!

by Gonnie - 2008-11-17 10:11:02

How about we call ourselves zappers? What would we call one who has both?

Here's My Two'pennorth

by Wannabe - 2008-11-18 07:11:19

What about Live Wires or even Bright Sparks?
Love, Wannabe


by walkerd - 2008-11-18 07:11:43

I have both, what about pacerzappers, or one lucky sob. lol. you guys are great.


by joy1 - 2008-11-18 08:11:02

was a great role model.
Paczappers... We go out and cook our dinner ;-) We have super powers including glow in the dark. You know, that pretty blue ~lol~

You know you're wired when...

Your license plate reads “Pacer4Life”.

Member Quotes

I can bike a 40-50 tour with no trouble.