a lil bummed

Im 25 and need a pacemaker soon. Had open heart two years ago to remove a tumor and now my heart is having problems beating when it should. Just had an EP study last night to confirm the need of the pacemaker. I should have had it put in today, but jus wasnt ready quite yet. I have a wonderful husband and a one year old son. I know I really need to have this done sooner than later, but just feeling a little overwhelmed.


you're not alone!

by Tracey_E - 2008-10-03 09:10:40

You've got every right to feel overwhelmed! But know that you're not alone. There are a lot of us here who got them young and we're living full, healthy lives. I got my first one at 27, I'm 42 now and on number 4. If you have any questions about surgery, recovery or living with it please let me know! Post here or send me a private message, I'd be happy to chat.

I procrastinated a good two years past when I should have gotten my first one. My energy went downhill so gradually that I never realized how bad it was until I was well again. I felt so amazing after I got it and my heart was beating as fast as it is supposed to again. I really regret that I didn't do it sooner, I wasted two years being tired and dizzy when I could have been having fun.

Something to consider... the usual place to put a pm is on your chest under your collarbone. Mine is lower than that, they put it in from the side about where the underwire of a bra goes and buried the pm behind the breast. The surgery was a little more involved and recovery was a little longer, but I don't have any visible scars or lumps and it's a lot more comfortable for sports, working out and chasing kids. I always mention it to young women because most surgeons don't think of it. It's not that they can't do it, it's just that most of their patients are older so how it looks isn't always a concern to them.

Don't wait too long! Surgery is easy and you should have a lot more energy to chase your son after you get it. He and your husband need you!

Just do it...

by chip - 2008-10-04 12:10:49

Go ahead and get the pacer! You will be amazed how much better you feel and how it will indeed improve your life!

You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic man.

Member Quotes

My pacemaker is intact and working great.