Hello, people. I have both sinus tachycardia (Afib) and bradycardia so I had my pacemaker put in in October (13th)for the bradycardia. I had complications of a collapsed lung so was in the hospital 9 days. About 2 weeks after I got home, I felt like a shocking sensation one night and the next day I bent to reach over the side of the chair and felt a worse shock. I suddenly saw my pulse that was usually in the 60's go into the high 80's and 90's. Apparently, I pulled out my lead, but no one seemed to know that's what I did. Until I went in for a "routine" check about a month ago. So on the 16th I had the lead fixed.
Came home. My pulse stayed in the 60's again and I haven't felt anything "off" but I am SURE that ONCE AGAIN, my lead has COME OUT!!!! All of a sudden, my pulse is in the 90';s!!!
I am SO upset I can't even speak to this issue. I looked up "after care" on the net last night and it said don't move your arm in rapid movements, don't raise it above your SHOULDER (my doctor said head), don't put it behind your back (no one told me that!) all kinds of things.
I am SO upset.
I have progressive MS, so I HAVE to use both of my arms quite a bit.
I don't know what to do.
Has this happened to anyone else?

Thank you for reading this.

I am VERY upset at the thoughts of going back to surgery yet again in less than 3 weeks after the 2nd surgery in 5 months.
PLEASE give me some input....
Thank you.


So sorry!

by Hot Heart - 2009-03-29 02:03:18

Hi there, I'm really sorry to hear that you are having problems, I'm not very experienced with this, but there are loads of people on here who will no doubt be able to help.

I know that some people use a sling post op to remind them not to lift up their arm, its not the lifting thats the real problem i dont think its stretching, which can move the leads before they are embedded.

Hope things turn out well for you.


by Hot Heart - 2009-03-29 02:03:49

Hello, I'm so sorry to hear that you are having problems and I havnt got the answers for you, but there are lots of people on here who have lots of experience, so hopefully someone will come to your rescue.

My pm is sited on left side just under my collar bone, and I tried not to stretch my arms in any direction which would move the leads. Some people use a sling to remind them.

I'm surprised that moving your arm behind your back would stretch the leads, I thought it was just upwards movements.

I know how scarey this all is and I sympathise with you, I just wish I could answer your questions.

Take care


by Pookie - 2009-03-30 06:03:19

Oh, those darn leads....YES, they come out sometimes.

I had mine "drop" out of its proper place 3 times!!!!

Sometimes it is NOT your fault. Sometimes the doctor doesn't get it in the right spot or the lead itself doesn't catch and keep attached.

3 times mine dropped while still in hospital, while simply laying in bed!!!!!!!. Finally one cardiologist decided to use another type of lead with a different kind of end or tip and it worked!!!!

You are certainly not alone when it comes to multiple surgeries because of a lead dropping. But....I can certainly appreciate how frustrated you are, believe me!

Perhaps you should discuss with your doctor the different kinds of leads that are available. (You know, the things they don't share with us patients!!!!!!!!!)



by riodog - 2009-06-21 02:06:44

Hi, I'm so sorry you having such problems. I too had a lung punctured during implantion and got a bad case of subcutaneious crepitation resulting in an extra 10 days in the hospital with NO mirrors available. Lots of Dr.'s playing tourist to see the Magical Inflating Patient, though. I do feel lucky after reading about your problems and others as I was given no instructions about moving my left arm and just used it as I always have. It would occasionally pull but I guess I was very lucky nothing pulled loose.

By the way, you are the first person I've read who has also had a lung punctured. Are there any more?


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The dog’s invisible fence prevents you from leaving the backyard.

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I've seen many posts about people being concerned about exercise after having a device so thought I would let you know that yesterday I raced my first marathon since having my pacemaker fitted in fall 2004.