
My wife thinks im to self concious, but with the open heart and ICD implant scars I wont go shirtless anymore. Really sucks since I'm a beach bum at heart and love the water and my boat. I wear some of my work out muscle shirts that repel sweat and work great by drying out quickly. Wondering if these scars will ever go away just enough so that its not so noticeable.


Always shirted here also...

by turboz24 - 2009-07-01 09:07:16

There are only 2 reasons anyone will see me shirtless, I'm getting treated by doctors or I'm dead... I will under no circumstances look at myself shirtless..

For me, it has nothing to do with the ICD scar, it has to do with the rather large cell phone sized device pressing up against my skin.

My scar actually got worse over time, probably from my ICD pushing up against the skin.

There are lots of ways to treat the actual scars, from just topical creams, all the way to injections to reduce the scars themselves.


by mad trapper - 2009-07-01 09:07:33

Yep I hate that thing sticking out too. Good thing Im in Northern illinois where the summers are short, but my dream is to get out of here and live by the ocean in Florida.
It took me awhile before I could look at myself in the mirror. Still gives me the heeby-jeebys!

You are braver than I am...

by turboz24 - 2009-07-01 09:07:59

At least you can look at it. I'm hoping I will eventually have mine removed or at the least relocated so it's just way out there.

You wouldn't catch me in any shirt that's fitted to my chest. I threw out all my athletic t-shirts when I got my implant, because it pokes through them........

It's a good thing I don't workout to look good, because if I did, that would be all wasted........


by ela-girl - 2009-07-02 01:07:33

Hey, mad trapper.

We all have our insecurities that we need to deal with in our own time and our own ways. I can understand your feelings. Your wife sounds like my husband! LOL

I've had my pm almost 3 years now, and the scar is VERY light thanks to Vitamin E cream. I'm not very vain about my scar, but my EP bugs me about trying to lighten, to placate him I used the Vitamin E cream. It works even after all this time! I'm sure if I continued to use it, it would be all but gone. My EP also said to wait 4-6 months out from the surgery to put anything on it...before that time he said it wouldn't do much and to make sure the site is all healed up etc.

I did try the Mederma cream, too, because my EP recommended it. Bad idea. At least for me. I had an allergic reaction to it. It made my pm site all bumpy and red for a few days. Yuck.

The other thing to remember is to slather your scar with sunblock when out in the sun to keep it from getting darker.

Happy summer!

PS: Just remember...your scars are your "red badge of courage" and mean you are here to enjoy life another day! If some people could be so lucky...

Battle scars!!

by cowboycraig - 2009-07-02 03:07:31

We are the baddest of the bad. We fight death from morning to evening and some times we have to work overtime!! Our scars are our tattoos of life. Be proud you walking and talking about your battles!! We will never surrender!!!! Cowboycraig,alive and kicking in Az.


by mad trapper - 2009-07-02 05:07:52

Cowboy Craig you kick ass. We need to party!

Hey Mad

by walkerd - 2009-07-02 06:07:38

I had open heart in aug of last year and my pm/defib put in in sept. I hate to tell you this but the scars dont go away, I take my shirt off once in awhile when out side, on my boat fishing. You get used to it or just accept it dont know which lol. Its your own preference if you dont feel confey without the shirt dont take it off, I think hey I had the surgery and almost died, so god must think its cool to have the scar, so I really dont care what people think. Like I said it takes time, dont know when you had yours. The pm/defib is the worse of the two I think that lump up there but hey its our little emt watching over us. It likes a little sun to.


Scars what the heck!!

by Hot Heart - 2009-07-02 07:07:05

Sorry if this sounds a little sharp, but a guy who is all grown up, has a life, a career, a wife and is paced, is worrying about a few scars!!!

Isnt there a bit more to life. If you were a young girl I could understand it, just be proud of em. I show mine to everyone, the butcher, the postman, the gym instructor, in fact its my opening topic of conversation 'do you wanna see my scar'! lol

And as you say in your profile, youre still alive so what the heck!!!


by mad trapper - 2009-07-02 07:07:08

Yes I am because I try and stay in shape and keep my body looking good. I am glad to be alive but would prefer not to have the bump and scar. Glad it doesnt bother you but dont judge the people it does bother.

ps scars

by mad trapper - 2009-07-02 08:07:12

I dont have a pacemaker, its an ICD.


by turboz24 - 2009-07-02 10:07:42

ICD's are around 2.5-2.75" diameter and .5" thick. So, they are pretty large compared to your typical PM (unless it's a bi-ventricular PM that is).

Good conversation starter

by ElectricFrank - 2009-07-02 11:07:48

Mine is very noticeable and I practically live without a shirt here in the desert. I usually make some comment about dialing it up or down to fit the situation.

I small pacer scare is a lot better than the stomach to neck incision of bypass surgery.


Feeling somewhat the same

by cristalh - 2009-07-03 03:07:48

As a female I kinda do feel funny when people oh so rudley ask me " omg! What happen there!?" or "awe your so young and with a pacer?" correction! Icd people but as someone stated before it just reminds me it's there and it's my insurance on life.. But you will hardly catch me in a strappy shirt ;)


by lb151 - 2009-07-03 05:07:24

I'm with cowboycraig,,,,get over it and get on with life!!!
We are hero's and have nothing to hide...


by ERER - 2009-07-03 12:07:16

I have 3 pacemaker scars that cover about a 2" by 3" inch area and from 5 surgeries. My husband cannot understand why I don't wear spaghetti straps or strapless tops, or off the shoulder blouses. I solve my bathing suit problem by wearing halter types. I hate it that I have to try on and scutinize every shirt I like. Everyone I am close to has seen my scars. Yes, I am self conscious even now after all these years, but everytime I see them I am reminded how lucky I am to be here, despite the somewhat difficult trip.

You know you're wired when...

You have a T-shirt that reads “Wired4Sound”.

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I am a competitive cyclist with a pacemaker!