pacing now

I went for a pacer check up. They turned on my pacer and set it for 60 bpm.. That was last week. Today I feel funny and I checked my pulse and its running at 80..
I thought the pacer would keep me at 60 all the time
I also feel like its skipping a lot and I feel funny inside.
Is this usual or abnormal. I guess I should call my pm dr tomorrow and see what they say..
Any body else experienced this befor.?


Pacemkaer & Heart Rates

by SMITTY - 2010-12-14 10:12:47

Hi Daisy,

Your pacemaker has two set points, a low and a high. You say your low is 60, and I will guess the high is 120 or 130. With a low set point of 60 all that means is your pacemaker will keep your heart rate from going below 60. If your heart's natural pacemaker makes your heart rate go above 60 the pacemaker will monitor your heart function and step into help if it thinks your heart rate is going below 60. With a low set point of 60 your pacemaker will not hold your heart rate at a steady 80. When your heart rate reaches the high set point the pacemaker stops trying to help and just monitors your heart function until the rate drops blow the high setting.

A pacemaker is nothing but a helper for your heart's natural pacemaker. Unfortunately as such a pacemaker does little or nothing to stop skip beats. What you feel as skip beats may be very weak heart beats created by your heart's natural pacemaker. While you can't feel that weak heart beat your pacemaker can and will not send an electrical impulse to make your heart beat. In other words many times skip beats are weak heart beats that fake out your manmade pacemaker.

There are sensitivity adjustments in the pacemaker to help it identify what you feel as skip beats and send the necessary impulse to give you a heart beat. You will need to talk to your doctor to see if the sensitivity setting can be changed on your pacemaker.


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