Allergic Reaction to Metal in PM??

Can a person have an allergic reaction to the metal in the pacemaker? I have a tendency toward rashes if I wear cheap jewelry, where belt buckles rub, etc. Whether it's nickel dermatitis or what, I'm not sure. But it got me wondering if I could have a reaction to the metal in the pacemaker. That sounds terribly uncomfortable...


Give it a test

by ccmoore - 2008-11-10 06:11:32

I checked your member list data and see that you are scheduled for a PM.

My St Jude sparker is in a titanium case and I think that most are the same. I would suggest that you get a ring made of titanium and wear it to test your allergic reaction.



by lahbigbro6 - 2008-11-10 06:11:47

Yes, you can get an allergic reaction to your pacemaker. A couple of months ago, I had a rash over my pacemaker. The doctor said I might be allergic to titanium. So, I got a blood test to check if I had an infection in my body. It was a FALSE scare ! My rash over the pacemaker happens when I sleep on that side with my hand cradled in the area by the pacemaker. The conclusion was a dermatitis reaction to the skin.

Allergic to metal - PM ok

by lnalean - 2008-11-10 09:11:44

Hi, I too have a reaction to metal, the snap of my jeans, cheap jewelry, and stuff like that. I have had my PM for almost two years and have not had any reaction to it. I am 53. Hope that calms some of your concerns. I like the suggestion that you test yourself with some titanium and see what happens. Be sure to tell your doctor if you react.
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