New to this

Hello I just had a defibulator installed 5 days ago and am still kinda scared of it. From all of the experiance that you guys have maybe you can tell me what to expect, what i should watch out for, what should I do or not do. Anything will be of help


Don't be afraid

by lb151 - 2008-11-05 04:11:53

Cabg Patch pretty much covered everything you need to know to get you started. Please try and not be afraid of your new device. Mine saved my life 2 times while waiting to get my new mitral valve.You will most likely be very ill when or if ,it has to fire and it is so instantaneous that its over before you have time to say,,what was that. MIne is part of me now and I rarely even give it a thought.
There will be interrogations of the device time to time, and setting adjustments. I can say that there hasnt been any life changes that I have had to make. Any questions between doctor visits,,dont hesitate to ask. It is very scary at first.
The best to you


by markjbaker - 2008-11-05 06:11:30

Hi, I got my ICD Sept 3rd, 08, after a Cardiac Arrest from out of the blue. I'm still at home waiting to go back to work but should be back soon. I'm on beta blockers which is making me tired, but I am assured I'll get used to it! I have had my first check up with the Tech, nothing to worry about.

Good luck with your titanium buddy.

welcome to the club.

by fred in Seattle - 2008-11-05 06:11:49

I got my icd in jan 08. I can tell you from experience you will get use to it. First thing is do not play with the box. They have cut a pouch in your chest to hold the darn thing and it needs to heal up around the unit. Mine itched and twinged for a couple of months. Mine has not gone off yet, so I have no experience with that yet. But I was awake when this sadistic paramenic said this is going to tickle, that was when he hit me with a bunch of zap from his difibulator. It is one hell of a whack, but after that my heart got back in line. After that is when my whole life changed. I was a commerical truck driver and the federal motor carrier act said that i could continue to drive with a pacemaker but not with an ICD. So i was forced to retire. I agree with all of the other people here this is a good place to find good info. What you want to do is have your dr give you a print out of your settings.


by beauchance - 2008-11-15 06:11:58

I'm waiting for a PM and debrilllator. Please tell me what is an ICD.

High Anxiety

by PARNASUS - 2008-11-23 11:11:20

Hi everyone, I'm new here too and also new to having a defibrillator as of Nov.11, 2008. My docs have been pretty good about answering questions but there is one thing no one can seem to address. Since the day after surgery I have been feeling an incredibly high degree of anxiety. My sense is that it is related to this new thing in my chest but is also due to the underlying reason I needed the ICD in the first place. I'm also fearful of getting a whopping shock that everyone describes as a "kick in the chest by a horse." Bobcoxsr, do you feel any anxiety? Has anyone else felt this? If so, does it dissipate over time? One last thing, my docs have all told me to restrict my left arm movement for 12 weeks, not 6. Thanks in advance.

You know you're wired when...

You run like the bionic man.

Member Quotes

I have a well tuned pacer. I hardly know I have it. I am 76 year old, hike and camp alone in the desert. I have more energy than I have had in a long time. The only problem is my wife wants to have a knob installed so she can turn the pacer down.