Is it too much to want a bit of info from interrog

Went for mycheck up yesterday. Talk about trying to get blood out of a stone! New technician not seen before, ushered me in, hooked me up, wouldnt talk to me, wouldnt answer my questions and when I left treated me like a child, almost patted me on the head and told me all is well, so go away and come back in 6 months and dont worry your pretty little head.

Well................I drove home at 5.30 in horrendous traffic and was getting more and more angry on the way home. When I got home I telephoned the hospital and asked if, as a patient of their hospital, I was entitled to ask the odd question and be given an answer.

Anyways,....................cut a long story short they aplogised got out my notes and answered my questions.

Afib previous six months had been 11,000 episodes, only 900 in the last 3 months, time in afib had gone from 3% to less than 0.1%, brilliant news. I also asked what perecntage I had been pacing, 100% first 6 months, 87% second six months, only 68% last 3 months, also brill news. Asked about max heartbeat since having rate response switched on, max only 110, bit disappointing after sweating my guts out on the treadmill at the gym,but at least its better than pre pm which was a max of 90.

Dont know whats up with the hospital though, the technician said to me, 'you must be anxious wanting to know about this', I said, 'well of course one is a wee bit anxious when its ones heart thats involved' - think my comment went right over her head, but even when I phoned up the person I spoke to said, 'gosh you want a lot of answers dont you, what do you want to know this for', I then thought duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, are these people on the planet or not!!!


Yep, been through that

by Blueaustralia - 2010-01-28 05:01:09

Only went through it once. Being told "turn round" and not being allowed to look at the screen. I went back to my original tech even if it did mean a drive of 400ks and an overnight stay which the government subsidise.

I lodged a complaint with my original tech who was not impressed with the guy and never had been. Pays to stick to your guns Say: whose heart is it anyway?

Cheers from downunder.


Lesson learned

by DC Pacer - 2010-01-28 05:01:29

I learned from this great group that asking for a copy of your interrogation report goes a long way - I get one every time I go in now. It helps send the message that the patient is entitled to as many answers as they want...

asked for interr report

by Hot Heart - 2010-01-28 05:01:58

thanks ppl, was told there wasnt any point in giving me one as i wouldnt understand it!!

Just learning my ABC, perhaps by the time i'm 60 I'll have learned how to interpret figures. OK of course I'm not going to understand everything, but they could take a minute and explain it to us.

Get more info from my hairdresser than i do from my technician.

Sorry...............moan and groan over! lol

our information

by cfritza - 2010-01-28 06:01:20

Hi Hot Heart,

I dont understand why some people in the medical field act like our information is a secret (maybe they just want to feel important) I have heard this many times and believe it with all my heart that a informed patient is a good patient. We cant be informed if certain people wont tell us stuff. It's our lives so we need to take charge of them and to those who think otherwise well that will just be their problem. I get copies of all my stuff cuz sometimes they dont always tell you everything! Glad you got what you needed! Carol

Its your responsibility

by ElectricFrank - 2010-01-29 02:01:16

I hate to put it this way, but anyone who lets a tech, doctor, or manufacturer rep give you the shove gets exactly what they ask for. At least in the U.S. you have a right to a copy of your medical records and shouldn't have to beg for them. However, the only thing that works is to act like an adult make it clear that you are requesting them and expect to get them. Don't argue, and don't try to justify them.

As an example I refused to leave the exam room until I got questions answered at a followup early on. They have never tried that on me again.

Sorry for sounding a bit mean, but it may be the only way to get it across.


cheers frank

by Hot Heart - 2010-01-29 09:01:51

Perhaps we arent all as confident as you about confronting people

I understand

by ElectricFrank - 2010-01-29 12:01:47

I realize it isn't easy. Actually, I tend to make it sound easy, but confronting a powerful figure like a doctor on his home turf isn't. I like people and tend to joke around and enjoy relating.

But, who ever said life is easy. The reality is that being assertive is the only way to get effective treatment, unless of course you can find that magic doc who always takes time to listen, is undertanding, and knows everything about you.

I have a sign on my wall that says:

"You may not like reality, but reality doesn't care"


slightly miffed Frank

by Hot Heart - 2010-02-01 06:02:28

Am quite shocked that I seem to have come across as a quivering wreck of a little woman who isnt capable of confronting her doctor. a very feisty lady who teaches in a prison. I have no problem with confronting my doctor, in fact he is a magic doc who is prepared to sit and chat and explain things. It was the 10 year old technician who refused to discuss things with me and marched off into an area where there was no admittance for mere patients, hence the telephone call when I got home.

Also Frank, the medical system in the UK and the US are very different so far as medical records are concerned

Well done you

by chippy22 - 2010-02-02 01:02:18

Got questions you want answered well done you for getting to the point. I like you have a numpty for a tech but a great cardiologist. It can be infuriating dealing with the monkey when it's the organ grinder you need to talk with.....Saying that i did have a fab tech who went through every last detail but she left. My last visit to the pm clinic was laughable. She turned to me and said that i did not need to know any details as they would confuse me???? and could i hurry up and get my top back on as she had an appointment.....? She is just a chink in a fab team though.

thanks chippy

by Hot Heart - 2010-02-03 06:02:11

Perhaps we go to the same hospital and got the same tech! lol

From one 'definitely not confused woman to another' x

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