
Just a quick question....have had ICD for less than a year and have recently been experiencing tightness in the throat; not acid reflux, but like the throat is closing up. It is similar to the feeling I get when they are adjusting the ICD during an interrogation. Thanks for any info...



Feeling in throat

by ElectricFrank - 2009-04-18 11:04:27

Have you contacted the doc for a checkup? That feeling during checkups has to do with the pacemaker causing your heart to go through several different heart beat patterns. Mine a time where both chambers are forced to 85BPM followed by a skipped beat, followed by a short series at 100BPM. I can certainly feel these changes. Your having that feeling during normal activities probably means your heart is going through some kind of arrhythmia.

It is almost certain that it is the pacemaker part of your device that is involved, not the ICD. If will let you know very definitely with a shock.


Feeling in throat

by pacerpearl - 2009-04-19 01:04:49


Thanks so much for the advice; I have an appt this week with the doc after 6 mos. I do have a heartbeat that is too fast and thought that may be the cause. I really appreciate your non-judgmental help. It is hard for people to understand the constant worrying associated with having an ICD/PM, so it is refreshing to be taken seriously.


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