ASK what you dont understand

I just got home from my 60 day pacer check. Everything is perfect YAY!
I decided I really needed to know more about my pacer and this process so I went thru this forum and took notes before my appt today. WOW! Thanks everyone.
I ASKED what this test was about and what they looked for. I ASKED for a printout and ASKED them to explain what i all meant then wrote my own notes beside the medical jargon on printout. I ASKED them to explain my pacer card info. I ASKED about my battery life and what to expect when it starts running low.
What I got was everything! I feel safer being informed. I relaxed knowing my battery longevity is 10 years and not 5 as most try telling me. I even got a website address for my pacer manufacturer to get even more info.
My advice is ASK about everything and write things down so u dont forget to ask.
This process takes a great mental toll on us as mush as we say we r fine with it. Its almost like a process after a death. We go thru depression, anger, denial and then hopefully at some point we can accept and enjoy our new good health.

Stay informed and stay healthy and happy.


good for you!

by Tracey_E - 2009-03-12 02:03:37

Great job getting your questions answered! Sometimes they just need to know you mean it, then they open right up and start explaining. I'm glad it was easy for you. I find it a lot easier to accept when I can understand, knowledge got me to where I could see the joy a lot faster.

oppoite for me

by ppt - 2009-03-12 03:03:19

I think my Dr does not like all my questions :-((( I am not totally sure about this "perception" but i sure am monitoring the situation and hoping I am dead wrong !

"The" List

by Pookie - 2010-01-08 03:01:05

Hi Nancy,

I gotta laugh, because every time I've ever entered a doctor's (or specialist's) office and took out my could see it in their faces, like, oh, oh, we'll be here for awhile.

I have a new family doctor the very first time I met with her I immediately took out my list and now she knows what to expect.

My former family doctor....when I took out "the" list, said I was "pissing her off".....I fired the B. lol.

Just once, I wish we as patients could reverse rolls with our doctors to let them know how it feels to be in our shoes!!!!!!!!

Perhaps next time, I should just take my shoes off and pass them to the doctor and say: here, put my shoes on, then we'll talk.


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I am a 58 year old woman, race cars, ski at 13,000+ feet, work out daily, have become a second-degree black-belt in Karate, run a business - no limitations.