Check up!

To all the wonderful people here who have been so supportive of me and my questions about my pacemaker battery going low, thank you!

It seems that the extra heartbeat I am experiencing is "normal" that it is an extra long pause between heartbeats not actually skipping or missing beats. So I am relieved to say the least.

Today the dr. explained to me that the symptoms I am experiencing are not from my pacemaker. It is working perfectly. Seems the problem is with my high blood pressure! So I am on doctor's orders to get fit! That's right he has sent me off to the gym. I don't see how I will manage a work out class, but I can certainly workout! So..... once again I will need some encouragement. I used to be stronger.... but not so much anymore. At times, like everyone else, I feel a little beaten down.

Just wanted to share the news,
Take care, Pacergirl
P.S. My battery life if 1.5 years! Seems the rep got it wrong!


hi susan

by jessie - 2008-07-01 01:07:42

i have lost 14 pounds and i am trying to get more fit. as you get older one finds it harder to keep fit. i don't know why except for the slower metabolism. just keep at it and you will succeed. it can be done. i eat low fat and i eat a lot of vegetables hummus low flat flatbread and lots of fresh fruit. it is easier when my husband is not here. less temptation. so good luck in oyur endeavor. i wish for you the best. jess


by Bionic Beat - 2008-07-01 02:07:38

As someone who's also not "fit", I wish you all the best in your attempts.

My only suggestions, keep your sense of humour, take it a little at a time.

Rome wasn't built in a day, do a bit each day, increase gradually and you WILL get there. :-)

I'm trying to regain my stamina and some days it tires me right out. Baby steps, just my 2 cents worth.

The *great* news, is that your pacemaker is doing it's job!

I'm hoping to have enough stamina to return to Aquafit soon, that's a great place to start, not hard on the joints and in a group setting.

Best of luck!

I feel fabulous!

Bionic Beat


by janetinak - 2008-07-01 03:07:28

I am working out in the swimming pool & I love it. I still eat too much so have not had the weight loss but get comments about all the weight I have lost 'cause I look better. I try & go for 30-60 minutes a day & walk & do all sorts of exercises. They have aerobics classes too. You might want to look into this.

Good luck,


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