File of Life

I live in South Carolina where we have what is called the "File of Life" It is given out by the fire department. You put a sticker on your front door that says 'File of Life". Then inside your house on the refrigerator is a plastic envelope that contains all your medical information: Name, Doctor, Family Contact, Medications, Surgeries, Medical Insurance etc. I also keep one in my car on the visor. I have a condo in Wisconsin and they have never heard of the "File of Life". When I went up there I took a "File of Life" along in my purse. When I blacked out, I called 911. I thought I had a stroke as I was very confused and didn't even know what month it was. The pararmedics found my "File of Life" in my purse. I don't remember the next five hours of my life. Had an emergency pacemaker implanted and when I woke in ICU, I was told they appreciated having the "File of Life". Maybe more people should make their own "File of Life" and keep one in your house, car and purse. Saved my life.


Haven't heard of that either....

by maryanne - 2009-04-07 04:04:37

That is a great program....but we all should keep our medical information readily available....part of the paranoid side of me is that I don't want to keep personal information on my fridge if I am not home...the what if's...and knowing me I would forget to take it down when not there....but most certainly having that kind of information available can certainly be a life saver.

very cool

by Tracey_E - 2009-04-07 04:04:37

I never heard of that, what a great idea.

I have something similar in my online medical record from american medical id. My medic alert bracelet has a phone number and access code to get to all my medical records, personal history, etc. I can update it any time, from any computer.

You know you're wired when...

Your electric tooth brush interferes with your device.

Member Quotes

I had a pacemaker when I was 11. I never once thought I wasn't a 'normal kid' nor was I ever treated differently because of it. I could do everything all my friends were doing; I just happened to have a battery attached to my heart to help it work.