Barefootin' behind what?


To answer your question - My boat is a 2006 Gekko GTS 20 and I am skiing on the boom. I know the picture isn’t the greatest but my wife took it while she was driving - not an easy task.

Have a great week!



The picture is great!!

by johng - 2009-02-17 10:02:47

Thanks for the reply.
I was thinking, Maybe a helicopter?
I guess I'm old-fashioned, but a boom, means 'sailing boat' in my mind.
You are still doing good in my book.
I know women are able to 'multitask' , but , in my opinion, you are very trusting.
Best wishes,


by walkerd - 2009-02-17 12:02:18

hang on to ur behind johng. when the pacer gals read that post. lol. wish the weather was warmer here so i could barefoot it. but mine would just be on the ground.


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