Fast heartrate

I received my PM the Monday before Thanksgiving. So far, so good. But I've noticed the last few days that anytime I get up to do something, such as cleaning or cooking, I can feel my heart start racing. So far it's only gone to about 100.

Is this common? Is there something that can be done or is this just the way it will be?

I was hoping to go back to work in a few weeks, but now I don't know if I will be able too. I don't go see the dr. until later this month. That will be my visit in office visit. I do call in my PM every three weeks or so.

Thanks for any advice.


don't worry

by aldeer - 2009-01-01 06:01:11

I am not sure of the terms, but someone will step in with them. Your pacemaker probably has certain settings. My low is 60 and high 120 or 130, and it very often goes to 100 when I am just doing dishes or simple housework. That is not at all unusual, so until Smitty or Electric Frank step in with the correct terms, please don't worry. Worry causes stress and your heart doesn't like that one bit. I am just about positive that your little pacemaker is just doing it's job!..... aldeer

probably just fine

by Tracey_E - 2009-01-01 07:01:36

Why did you get the pm? If it's for an atrial problem, they may have rate response turned on and it just needs to be adjusted so it isn't so sensitive. That's a setting that detects movement and raises your heart rate. I would call and ask about it, can't hurt! If that's causing it, it's really easy to fix it.

Do you feel bad when it gets up, or just weird? 100 really isn't very high, it just feels high because you're not used to it. I felt like my heart was racing the first year or so I had the pm. It wasn't really racing, but normal felt like racing after so many years of a very low hr. I don't even notice it now.

Regardless of what's causing it or what it is, as long as you don't feel bad when it happens, it shouldn't keep you from going back to work if you otherwise feel ready.

me too

by Kirsty - 2009-01-02 02:01:48

i got my pacemaker in june and when i first got it sometims it would feel like it was racing because i was used to a slow rate. I have also felt my hard suddenly going fast for no reason, when i went to pacing clinic i got a heart monitor on for 7 days so they could check it out. i dont know when thanksgiving is im british but it sounds like you had it done quite recently so i wouldnt worry. If it persists at your next pacing appointment you could ask them

hope that helped


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