Question about medicine

I received my pm on 11/24/08. That Saturday I went to the ER, I had bronchitis. Not too many problems since then. My question however is about taking medicine.

I think I have bronchitis again, the whole family has it. They, my husband and two boys, have gotten over it. I however have not. I've had it about a week now. Is there any medicine I should or should not be taking. My Dr. would be no help at all. I'm actually in the process of finding a new one.

Do we need to be extra cautious when it comes to taking OTC?

By the way I received my PM because of SSS.

Thanks in advance for any comments. Susan



by walkerd - 2009-03-11 01:03:39

on what kind of medication your on. What is sss? I guess if i were smart id check the abbrev. section but already started to respond so Ill just look stupid. Like tracey said check with doc and pharmacist. I hope you dont have the kind of bronchitis I had!!!! Or so I thougth. Gesh I wish Blake would put a spell checker on here, not my best class.

ask the pharmacist

by Tracey_E - 2009-03-11 09:03:49

When you can't trust your GP to watch out for you, ask the pharmacist or call your cardiologist. I always tell the pharmacist I need to avoid "anything that has the tiniest chance of affecting my heart rate or bp".

I avoid anything with caffeine, which includes a lot of the decongestants and any headache medicine with "migraine" in the name. I'm really sensitive to caffeine, not everyone is so you may be just fine with it.

My mom has afib and can't take a lot of otc meds.

I'm not aware of anything that would be bad with SSS but check with your cardiologist to be sure. Just having a pm is not a reason to avoid anything.

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