
I had my pacemaker implanted 5 weeks ago and recently developed pain between my should blades, left arm and chest. It was determined that I have costochodritis. Has anyone ever gotten this? They put me on muscle relaxer and antiinflammatory drug. I'm considering going to a chiropracter. Has anyone gone to one? Any comments are appreciated. Inever thought it would take this long to feel better after this surgery.



by ElectricFrank - 2008-12-20 10:12:29

I guess I have it, but never had a name for it. When I go for a vigorous walk I often get a pain in the center of my chest after maybe 5 minutes of deep breathing. I know it is not angina or heart attack because I can locate the spot by pressing on my sternum. I usually stop a couple of times to let it subside and after maybe 10 minutes it goes away.

I usually only have it when I haven't exercised for a few days.

I agree on Tracey's take on chiropractors. The other thing I insist on is that they don't use the "distract and snap" approach. If they let me know what they are going to do I can relax. I walked out on several chiropractors who didn't honor my request. I gave them 2 chances. The second time I simply say "I can't trust you" and walk out (without paying).

Thanks for identifying the condition.



by Tracey_E - 2008-12-20 12:12:03

I'm not familiar with costochondritis but I can tell you all about chiropractors. There are a lot of bad and mediocre ones out there for every good one. A good one is worth his/her weight in gold! I went from severe chronic back pain from a head on car accident and being on 4 or 5 prescriptions to no pain, no meds for ten years now. I rarely even catch a cold now, a properly done adjustment boosts your immune system in addition to alleviating pain, it allows your body to heal itself.

Downsides... if your problem isn't bone or muscle, or you've been misaligned long enough for bone to start to fuse into place, there isn't anything they can do. And you have to think of it like changing the oil on the car, it doesn't last forever. Their fix is temporary. I go every 2-3 weeks, sounds like a lot but it's not nearly as much time/money as I use to spend at the MD and pharmacy!

Father has this...

by turboz24 - 2008-12-22 01:12:39

I believe it's spasms in the blood vessels around the heart.

It's benine, but apparently hurts and makes you feel like you are having a heart attack. My father had gone to the ER on several occassions because of it. There really is no "solution" except to deal with it when it happens.

That is what they told me...

by mct - 2009-01-04 02:01:57

After I got my pacer put in I too developed the pain you are describing and that is what they told me because they could not find anything else to explain my symptoms. What I actually have is chronic pericarditis which is an iflammation of the pericardium. It all started when the surgeon punctured my ventricle when he was placing one of my leads...that lead to an effusion then to tampanade. Long story short, I now have this chronic condition that keeps flairing up! They don't know why it won't go away and stay away...I am on meds to help control it but nothing seems to be working. Sorry if I sound bitter but I am, I have had nothing but problems since I got my pacer. If I were you I would make sure that you don't have any fluid around your heart...have they done an echo?

questions got answers

by richard - 2011-11-13 03:11:01

I just got out ofhospital 10 Nov.2011,I got my answer it is
COSTOCHONDRITIS,after reading these comments,why are so many of us gettingthis after PM implant surgery,this
stuff will make you hurt,acts just like heart attack.

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Hi, I am 47 and have had a pacemaker for 7 months and I’m doing great with it.