Greetings to all...

I am a 61 yr old male who just found this group a couple of weeks ago, and I'm glad you are here! I got my device back in June of this year after collapsing in Ventricular Fib and nearly dying. Recently had it "tuned up" so it is working well now!
Unfortunately, I have other "medical issues" so I can not say I feel like a new man now. I am alive though, and that's a good thing!
It's good to know that I am not alone with this hunk of metal in my chest - I'm still not used to it being there, it hurts to lay on my right side, etc.
I read with interest the messages here!



Thanks for the comeback...

by Gramps1947 - 2008-12-13 05:12:21

Hey, I got this PM-Defib last June 28th - it is my first one, The pillow to the chest is something I will definitely try! I can sleep on both sides now but the left side does bother me. Will see if the pillow thing works for that!

Yeah, i will ask questions and vent if I need to!

Thanks TraceyE and Dave for your answers!



by Gramps1947 - 2008-12-13 05:12:57

This should read hurts when I lay on my Left side. Abd I signed off with an error too. Gramps1947


by Tracey_E - 2008-12-13 07:12:40

Welcome to our little exclusive group. Alive is always good! You've got a great attitude.

Try hugging a small pillow to your chest when you sleep on your side. Or if you're still too sore for that, try holding it to your side with your left arm to keep you from rolling over in your sleep. I'm a side sleeper, too, and this is the hardest part of the surgery for me. I've had my pm for 15 yrs now and am on my 4th one. You didn't say how long you've had it,but by 6-8 weeks you shouldn't be feeling the soreness anymore.

If you have questions, don't be shy!

Hey Granos

by walkerd - 2008-12-13 08:12:38

Welcome to pacemaker club. It is a very helpful site. Lots of careing people on here and help you get thru any ruff spots that are sure to happen. So if you need to vent, ask any question and what is so neat is that there are no I know everything responses on here, dont be afraid to put in a messege. Look around the site. And also it is so nice to be able to chat when you can catch anyone in there to talk live to people.
again welcome

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