
Hey Guys & Gals,

Have any of you seen the old commercial where the last child moved out of the house and the parents are standing in the doorway of the empty room envisioning all the things they can turn the room into. Well I am finally living that commercial! I know I should be feeling the empty nest syndrome ): be hey she is going on 24. It's time. So now I get to turn my bedroom back into the sanctuary that it use to be. No computers no t.v.'s ,nothing to distract me but my bed,and lots & lots of candles. I can't wait! It will be so nice to go in and escape with candles and nice relaxing music. Oh I almost forgot the wine!! I can't remember the last I was able to do this. Who knows, maybe after a while I won't need the pm anymore lol!! Well at least for a year as that is how long she signed her lease for.
Well I just had to tell the world. I am sure some of ya'll can relate. I hope everyone here has a fantastic weekend!!



what empty nest

by arty - 2009-04-03 07:04:59

We still have our youngest [ 34 ] at home, it's a bit of a drag but we are his parents and he is on Disbility Support. So we have to do the rifght thing.


Can I ever relate....

by maryanne - 2009-04-03 11:04:53

Last week hubby and I finally turned one of the rooms into our excercise room. Something we have wanted to do for a long time. We put in our universal that was stored in the shed, then we got our weight bench and weights, my excercise ball, and other impliments of torture..actually not true I am so excited...I put my little stereo in's got to big windows so I can look out and see the trees and birds....I just love although I am sad that the kids aren't here on a full time basis....I so love having the extra space.....
I did leave one room with bunkbeds for the visits...did't want to make it to comfy for them if you know what I mean....

So I hear you sista.....enjoy your new space!!!

cheers, Mary Anne

perfect situation

by jessie - 2009-04-04 06:04:42

hi we have one who has his own apt but he visits us on tuesday night and on the weekends. he is single right now and he has returned from total of 10 yrs in europe and middle east. my husband likes him to talk to but they do fight over the chips. only kidding. right now i am just glad for every day we have to-gether and we keep things simple. he is a pretty easygoing guy who picks up after himself and is the funniest person i have ever met.i remember him laughing out loud in his buggy before 3 months old. i won't listen to the news, too depressing and he thinks this is hysterical and i live in my own little world, autistic he call me. i tell him i could be drowning in liquor and smoking like a chimney. hehe jessie


by Hot Heart - 2009-04-08 04:04:59

A child is for life not just for Christmas!!!

You know you're wired when...

Your life has spark.

Member Quotes

Yesterday was my first day mountain biking after my implant. I wiped out several times and everything is fine. There are sports after pacemakers!