Is it Shingles or cardiac related?

Hey everyone, Hope everyone is having a good week! For the last 6 days I have been having what is my 3rd flare-up with Shingles. It is not fun :( Two of the medications I have taken with previous flare- ups so I am a little puzzled with some symptoms that I have not had while dealing with Shingles. For the last 2 days I have been suffering with constant cold sweats, dizziness and a unrelenting nausea. I have not felt like this before and I am just a little concerned. I have fainted once in my whole life and that is when I was pregnant but today while I was waiting for a script. I broke out in a cold sweat and felt very faint. Could this be cardiac related or am I having a really rough flare-up.
I would be grateful for your opinion.


you need to see your doctor

by tsimbrow - 2010-12-20 11:12:08

Hi Mona,
You really need to see your doctor because for patients with pacemakers, they are more susceptible to illnesses and it does affect their heart more than average people and you need to get this checked out to make sure that it hasn't started affecting your heart and the virus isn't affecting more than your skin.

See Doctor

by Creaky - 2010-12-21 10:12:08

Not trying to scare you or to but you should always get these kind of symptoms checked by your doctor as soon as possible. You just never know, and it's best not to take chances, especially when you have a pm.
Symptoms could be nothing serious, could be heart related or could be anxiety. Don't put it off till after the Holidays.
Good luck


by pacergirl - 2010-12-21 10:12:44

I have had Shingles but it was caused from a trauma to my skin. My Dr. explained that it takes some sort of trauma to set the illness off. I had been severely sunburned and that was what trigged it. He went onto explain that any kind of trauma would set it off again. A surgery, infection, illness, burn, that sort of thing. I would suggest that you think about what has happened to you recently and see if you can identify what is setting it off. Then you can try to avoid it. Of course I am not a dr. and you should discuss any questions with her/him.

Good luck,

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