My first post-op 5K

Some of you might remember earlier postings where I mentioned getting back on the treadmill and into running after my PM implant last November. My first goal was to get my 4 mile average pace back below 11 minutes per mile, then below 10:30/mile, and then below 10:00/mile (about where I was pre-op). With the nicer weather, I've been running a bit outside, but haven't been timing anything.

On Saturday I ran my first 5K organized race since the PM implant (I had a couple of earlier races I had wanted to do, but the weather didn't cooperate). This was the first where the weather was decent, so I decided to see what I could do.

My goal was to come in at a pace less than 10:00/mile, but I figured I would be happy at less than 10:15/mile. In the end, I ran the 5K in 30:02 at a pace of 9:40/mile.

Overall, I placed 52 out of 134 (but there were also some 5K walkers). The 50 to 54 age group was killer, though. I came in 5/5, with the next closest runner in my age category having a 7:47/mile pace. No way to compete with that!

I really don't think I had room to do much better and am very pleased. This time might stand for while as a PR.



by Pookie - 2009-04-27 08:04:22's so encouraging to read posts where people have gone out and met or surpassed their goals. Bravo for you.

So glad to hear you are back doing something that you obviously enjoy.


Proud of You

by punkin - 2009-04-27 08:04:44

That is great. I know you have to be proud of yourself.I wish I was that motavated,but never ran before my PM. LOL. Keep it up but be safe.

Congrats on the PR!

by DonSoule - 2009-04-28 10:04:25

Way to go - that's great! I do remember your earlier posts on going below the 11 and 10:30 pace on a treadmill so I'm not suprised by the 9:40 pace in a race.
I find it really hard to run very fast or long on a treadmill. (Dreadmill as I've heard it called by some) I can always go faster with people around me in a race, you can try to keep up with some one else or try and catch the runner in front of you. I'm sure if you keep up your running, you will improve on the 30:02 in no time. Not that 30:02 is bad, you have my last 5K time beat! I'm hoping to get 30 min or lower time in my next 5K in late May. Great job, keep the post PM PRs coming!



by NWGirl - 2009-04-28 12:04:30

Glad to hear you did so well in your 5K race and I'm glad that you posted. It gives some of us encouragement that we might still do well in our active adventures post pacemaker.

Thanks so much for sharing your achievement. I'm looking forward to being active again myself soon. I am almost 6 weeks from having my pacemaker put in, and I hope to be riding my horse soon.

Good luck to you. Keep on running.


You know you're wired when...

You participate in the Pacer Olympics.

Member Quotes

It made a HUGE difference in my life. Once I got it, I was finally able to run, and ride my bike long distances.