Auto Accident

First let me say that I am going to be ok. I was rear ended while sitting in my beetle at a red light. Yes it was dark, yes my lights were on and yes, my foot was on the break. I am suffering from severe whiplash, awful pain in the head, neck and my entire back. The seat belt was on and I was the driver so the seat belt came across my pacemaker. My heart rate went crazy and I was very scared. I was taken to the hospital and I had CT scan, and some chest x-rays. No problems so far. My pacemaker is working just fine, my HR is just fine. The only problems I have are this awful pain!!!!! Everywhere, my entire body hurts. I have never been in an accident like this before and I hope this is the last.
So, for all of us who have wondered how the seat belt would effect our ICD or Pacemakers I now have to say I have had that experience and I have come through it intact.
I am going to rest now, the medication is taking effect.
Take care all....

p.s. Yes, Bubbles (my beetle) has been smashed! :-(



by Tracey_E - 2008-11-01 11:11:01

Been there, done that, and it hurts like heck for a few weeks. I think I've had whiplash 4 times now, I swear I had a HIT ME sign on me for a few years. I'm so sorry you're going through this! My best advice, get into physical therapy right away and alternate heat and ice for the pain. Heat relaxes the muscles and ice stops spasms. If you want any more tips, let me now.

My condolences on Bubbles. Can she be fixed?

Oh no!!!

by bambi - 2008-11-01 11:11:10

First of all, thank God you are ok! Just banged up, eh? Whiplash is awful, and it will take quite a while to not hurt! Please take care of yourself and get better soon! I too have a Beetle! [bright yellow] and I'm sorry "Bubbles" has been smashed!


by jessie - 2008-11-01 11:11:21

susie i am so sorry to hear that. the main thing is that you are okay. it is traumatic painwise and also mentally. such a bloody shock.i did hit a deer in 1996. it was late at night and i was driving home to work the next morning. needless to say i didn't make it.i was off for a week, the dear came up the hood of my car and was looking in at me big deer brown eyes so soft. he slid off and went to the ditch to die. the car went a few more kilometres down the road to a cutoff so then it was in danger of catching fire so we left it and we hid in ditches when cars passed and finally we made it to the police station. we were very upset and crying and by now it was 2 in the a.m. my husband was working the night shift at the petrochemical plant and he came and got us and brought us home. we were in the master bathroom my daughter and i drinking several glasses of wine.i was trerrified to get in the car but finally made myself. my legs shook all the time at first. i am okay now. it could ahve been worse but it wasn't i hope the same for you. take care lots of rest and good tlc jessie

So Sorry!

by scadnama - 2008-11-02 06:11:48

I am so sorry to hear that you were in an accident. Thank God you are ok!
Back pain after an auto accident is terrible. I suffered for about a month after my accident until I finally gave in and went to a chiropractor. Seeing him was the best thing I ever did...after about 6 weeks of adjusting I was good as new!

Take care and feel better!


Your in my prayers!

by tcrabtree85 - 2008-11-03 08:11:23

Oh Susie, that sounds so painful. You are in my prayers and thoughts. Take it easy and rest a lot. Please keep us updated. I know I don't get on often or comment but I still read them all and pray for you guys.

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