Birthday girl

Hi everyone, I haven't written on here for a while but often come on and have a read. I have a little girl Olivia who had a pacemaker at 5 days old for complete heart block, it was so hard for us but when I came across this site which was just by chance it gave me such a lift, I really can't thank people enough for the kind words and most of all their positive comments which really made me stop and think and see how lucky we were really. Olivia was one on Thursday! we have had celebrations all week and she has loved it, she amazes us everyday as she is so happy and healthy all the time and just makes us laugh as seems to have a real cheeky personality. I still have my down days but just a smile from her brings me back. don't know where the year has gone but its been a lot better than expected.
Thank you
Launa & Olivia


Belated Happy Birthday!!

by harley63 - 2009-06-07 04:06:10

Give sweet Olivia a big hug and kiss from Aunt Harley63!!! What an awesome milestone for your family!! Lovely story! Thanks for sharing it with all of us!

I send mega cheers to her and you all for many many years to come! Life is precious and we must make the most of every moment. And babies grow up way too fast. Before you know it she will be 21 and all grown up! Cheerish everyday!

Zoom, zoom,

Bless Her

by pete - 2009-06-07 05:06:20

Our hearts go out to little Olivia. She is too young to realise what has happened. Pacemakers are really magical. She has every chance of leading an active and full life. Cheers Peter

Happy Birthday!

by slarnerd - 2009-06-08 02:06:24

Happy Birthday Olivia!!! I remember that first birthday SO well - it is a huge milestone, after all you've been through. You will not believe this but quite soon you will nearly forget about that pacer because Olivia will mix so "normally" with her peers, doing every natural thing a toddler does!

Please consider joining the yahoo group for parents of kids with pacemakers and/or heartblock. We have about 100 members and you will get a lot of support, information, and feedback there.

mom to Audrey (4, 2nd deg HB) and Max (2, CCHB, pacer)

Happy Birthday Sweety

by Hot Heart - 2009-06-09 07:06:13

Hi there, I've got a pm and also had a baby who had problems resulting in loads of operations, not heart related..

As mums it is us who feel so much worse than our kids do. Olivia will grow up with the pm just being a part of her, nothing scary, nothing strange, just like my daughter was with all the metalwork in her legs.

Try not to wrap her up in cotton wool, dont make her feel different to the other kids, and dont worry every second of every day about her. Enjoy your baby, enjoy her growing up, celebrate her life, but dont ruin yours by being an over protective mum. Been there!!!

Keep Celebrating !

by cryssg_2000 - 2009-06-28 05:06:00

Olivia is in good company Launa! Our daughter developed complete heartblock when I was 6 months pregnant with her. I have gone through a lot with her and she and I now do our blood draws together and support each other with how lupus has affected our lives. Cassie's 1st year birthday was very difficult for me emotionally as it brought the near 3 months hospital stay and traumatic birth back in a way I couldn't process at the actual time it happend, as I was doing everything I could just to survive. Happy to say, we celebrate her birthdays with a lot of enthusiasm now and she just had a BIG 13th celebration this past May. We are truely blessed to have such miracles in our lives. All the best to you and Olivia, keep celebrating life!

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