Pacemaker Site Reconstruction

Just an update, I’m finally getting my old PM site taken care of next Monday afternoon. My cardiologist backed off and is having a plastic surgeon do the 1 hour surgery. My 17 year old leads were capped and started to erode through the skin.
As I’m the skinny one there’s just no cover for the excess roll of capped lead wires. The surgeon conferred with my Cardiologst and plans to take out the excess coil of wires and possibly use a (small ladies implant) ??? to cover the end of the leads.

Now this is all after getting out the excess scar tissue around the leads and old pouch. Hopefully this will end all the feet dragging as I had to wait way too long to have the old PM removed last Dec. Just to update everyone, I had my 4th PM installed Feb 8th and it’s been just fine. My HR is a lot more stable as I’m on Betapace 80 mg twice a day. I had been on Tenormin 25mg for 17 years for 1st -2nd degree block with three Medtronic generators. Presently I have a right chest St Jude generator & lead installation. As I’m not too happy with my old site problem I’d be happy to hear if anyone out there have had similar problems. Thanks


You know you're wired when...

You have a little piece of high-tech in your chest.

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