Missing my friends....

As some may have noticed, I haven't been online much. I used to come here quite often in the early days, after getting my first pacemaker. I had been very lucky and made some very good friends here. Which brings me to my reason for posting today. I haven't actually felt much like posting or reading any post for a while now... here is why...

I miss my friends. I miss the chats. I miss the exchange of ideas and the funny stories we shared, but be that as it may, my friends are not able to post, or chat and perhaps even too weak or sick to read this post. Somehow I need them to know that they are not forgotten. So...

My dear friends... You know who you are... You come from many walks of life, Man, Woman and yes Teens too. You hail from all over the world and climates... Warm, cold, HOT! or foggy...a message for you.... I miss you! Please Get well soon and hurry back!

I'm doing ok, no need to comment... what more is there to say?
Peace to each of you...


hi pacergirl....

by Bionic Beat - 2009-01-18 03:01:13

I've not been on much as my darling hubby is very sick, so I've been busy looking after his health, my turn to be his rock now.

In December, he was diagnosed with a very aggressive cancer.

I do think of you all and would like to thank you for all the help you were before, during and after my nightmare year.

Now, I'm into another nightmare......

I'll post as time allows.

Take care friends, chins up, keep on keeping on and remember to laugh a little each day!

Bionic Beat


by jessie - 2009-01-18 06:01:03

i am so sorry to hear about your husband. will be thinking of you and hope you get a minute to post and let us know how things are going. your friend from s.w. ontario jessie the spam is wwo in cincinatti lol

I miss you!

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-01-18 12:01:35

I hope your doing ok. I don't get a chance to get on anymore either, I need to get another computer when my health is back in par. I miss each of you and at some points just wish I could pick up the phone and tell you that I love you all and miss you. So I hope you know how loved you are my dear friend.
Love ya!

hi pacergirl

by jessie - 2009-01-18 12:01:57

i have been here. barely but here. i mssed you too. i thought i posted allready but guess not love,jessie

You know you're wired when...

Your favorite poem is “Ode to a Cardiac Node”.

Member Quotes

I wasn't really self-conscious about it. I didn't even know I had one until around six or seven years old. I just thought I had a rock in my side.