doing what he won't

Ok, so my father has just got a ICD on 11/18/2008
Yesterday 12/22/08 we went for a check up and his doctor turned down the voltage. since we got home last night he is having chest pain so should I encourage him to make the call to his doctor? he wants to wait tell tomarrow...


chest pain

by ronbabsh - 2008-12-23 05:12:18

If in doubt make the call, if he is having chest pain, I’d make the call now.



by the dude - 2008-12-23 06:12:47


You know you're wired when...

You always run anti-virus software.

Member Quotes

I am 100% pacemaker dependant and have been all my life. I try not to think about how a little metal box keeps me alive - it would drive me crazy. So I lead a very active life.