
I have afib and also have a pacemaker. I am wondering if anyone has had a watchman device implanted. ......Thands for any info


About the Watchman System

by CanadianKirk2 - 2009-04-05 10:04:46

I think that 99% of the club members who read your question have no idea what the Watchman System is...including myself. Had to do some quick googling and have put some links for those interested below.

This system is still undergoing clinical trial and got into the news at the end of March as a paper was delivered with the results of the trial to date at the American College of Cardiologists Scientific Sessions meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA. Since it is still undergoing trial, the only members of this club who might have had the system installed are part of the trial.

Here's what one MD blogger had to say about the system:

Overall, the preliminary results of the PREVENT-AF trial look quite interesting. If the complication rate can be reduced with the Watchman device, and if final results confirm these preliminary findings, then the Watchman device may at some point become a viable alternative to chronic anticoagulation therapy in patients with atrial fibrillation. Given the reported risk of complications, however, it is likely that initial clinical usage of this device will be limited to patients who, for one reason or another, are unable to take coumadin.

Here are the links for further reading:

From the manufacturer:




From the doctor/blogger:



You know you're wired when...

Your pacemaker receives radio frequencies.

Member Quotes

Your anxiety is normal. It takes some of us a little time to adjust to the new friend. As much as they love you, family and friends without a device just cannot understand the adjustment we go through. That is why this site is so valuable.