
Hi I am a 37 year old fem got a pm on 18 of dec and i hate it i feel bad since i got it .


I feel your pain.

by Jalapeno - 2008-12-28 05:12:59

I'm not exactly loving it yet either. I got mine on December 2, 2008. This site has some wonderful people on it that are here to support you.


It gets better.

by bowlrbob - 2008-12-28 10:12:09

I wasn't thrilled when i got mine a little over 3 years ago. I told my wife i just want to go back to yesterday when i didn't have it. But as we know that's not possible. It took about a year but i did get much better and now most of the time i don't even think about it. People ask me all the time how I am doing with the pacer and i say what pacer. Oh! that's right i do have one. Really, you arn't even a month out. It does get better. Bowlrbob
PS The main thing to remember without it you might die. so living with it is not so bad.

give it time

by Tracey_E - 2008-12-28 10:12:33

It takes time to adjust to having it! I rarely give mine a thought now and most people who know me have no idea I have it. I look just like all the other women at the gym and the other moms at the PTO meeting. Letting go of the hate, tho, is the first step to acceptance. I'm 42 now, got my first one when I was 27. If you want to chat, please feel free to send me a private message.

Be nice to it

by ElectricFrank - 2008-12-29 01:12:52

Hey, be nice to the poor little thing. While you are going on with your life it is expected to dutifully send out a message to your heart to beat at least once every second. You wouldn't want it to get hurt feelings and pout would you?


I am 7 or 8 weeks in...

by Stumpy - 2009-01-20 04:01:18

and it gets better.

Try giving it a name - I decided to call mine Reginald after reading a PG Wodehouse novel a friend recommended to me. Reginald was Jeeves's christian name.

I understand

by rrentschler - 2009-03-04 02:03:27

I understand your hate. I have felt that way and still have many days where that is the only feeling I have for it! I was diagnoised with Post Tramatic Stress Disorder. I can't tell you that the hate will go away but I can tell you that eventually there will be other things that fill you life and the hate will move to the back of your mind. Good Luck and know that there are people who love and support you!

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