Just saying hi

Just wanted to pop in and say hi...it's been a while. I've been lurking, but haven't really had anything to contribute.
Been well with no syncopal episodes since I got my little friend.
Still get that feeling that something is tearing when I turn onto my right side at night. The doc says it's just scar tissue.
I usually sleep on my left and I suppose it gets all scrunched up and then when I roll over it stretches it out.... hoping this won't be a permament thing because it HURTS! *lol*
Anyway - - - just wanted to say again how much I appreciate y'all. It's comforting to see that others have the same questions I do. My neighbor (2 doors down) just got a pm/defib and I told him he should visit here for support/questions etc.

Take care


You know you're wired when...

Bad hair days can be blamed on your device shorting out.

Member Quotes

So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.