When does the soreness go?

Hello everyone,
I received my pacemaker Dec. 18th. 2008. It is still really sore, the skin is hyper sensitive around the site plus the incision is very sore. I wrapped my bra strap with a piece of fleece fabric so it wouldn't rub so much which helped a little bit. It just seems that by now it should be feeling back to normal. Moving my arm and shoulder around pulls the skin and it really hurts too. I am not a baby when it comes to pain, I have had 7 other surgeries so know it takes time but I was hoping to be pain free by now. I take Motrin for my back but it doesn't seem to help the PM pain at all. I was just wondering what others experiences were as far as time to be pain free again. Thanks, Happy Valentines Day all



by Tracey_E - 2009-02-12 06:02:14

I find it usually takes about 3 months for all the soreness to go away, but we all heal at different speeds.

I get more relief from Tylenol than Ibuprophen post-surgery. If find that odd because Motrin is usually my choice but it just doesn't seem to work as well on this.

Pain lasted awhile for me

by bambi - 2009-02-12 10:02:27

I had no problems with infection or anything bad. Just a lot of tenderness and pain whenever I touched, bumped, leaned on the area, or put a shirt on for close to 8 months!
At about a year, it all went away! Everyone is so different.
Be patient, but do watch for signs of infection.

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