Terms of Use

Hi folks,
It has come to me that maybe it is time to review the terms of use.... this is how it reads.

Copied from the Terms of Use which all of us have agreed to.
Your Conduct
You agree that all information or data of any kind, whether text, software, code, music or sound, photographs or graphics, video or other materials ("Content"), publicly or privately provided, shall be the sole responsibility of the person providing the Content. Pacemaker Club nor its owners shall not be responsible to you in any way for the Content that appears on this website nor for any errors or omissions. You explicitly agree, in using this website or any service provided, that you shall not:
(a) provide any Content or perform any conduct that may be unlawful, illegal, threatening, harmful, abusive, harassing, stalking, tortious, defamatory, libelous, vulgar, obscene, offensive, objectionable, pornographic, designed to or does interfere or interrupt this website or any service provided, infected with a virus or other destructive or deleterious programming routine, give rise to civil or criminal liability, or which may violate an applicable local, national or international law;

It applies to everyone.

Considering the recent comments to "Angry"....
As a Pacemaker Club member I feel it is right that i say something, myself included.



by admin - 2009-02-09 08:02:01

The comment to which Pacergirl refers has been deleted. We take our terms of use serious and delete postings that do not comply. Our terms of use are intended to help maintain a pleasant and helpful online environment for all users.

Have a good day,

Blake Hunter

You know you're wired when...

You name your daughter “Synchronicity”.

Member Quotes

Sometimes a device must be tuned a few times before it is right. My cardiologist said it is like fine tuning a car.