
I've had my pacer for a while now, but have just started to get really bad pounding headaches coupled with pounding palpitations, and I can feel my pulse in my ears all while I'm lying down. I can't sleep much when I feel like my entire body is pounding. I don't have hight blood pressure either, rather on the low side on most occasions.
Any suggestions? Comments welcomed.


get checked

by Tracey_E - 2009-04-18 03:04:37

That doesn't sound cardiac, but any sudden headaches should be checked out.

I understand how that can hurt!

by pacergirl - 2009-04-18 05:04:18

Yes, a headache like you have described can really be painful.

Is it possible that you are responding to some sort of stress in your life? With all the stuff going on in the world of finance it is possible your headaches are stress related. If they are, get some help, talk to someone or find a way to handle it. I know it won't be easy.

I don't handle stress very well these days and I get the horrible pounding headaches like you have described. Stress can certainly effect our heart rates which can lead to all kinds of trouble.

Good luck,


by Pookie - 2009-04-18 11:04:03

I too had this happen several times over the past 4 years and a doctor in the ER went to his computer, simply typed in "pacemaker" & "headaches" and gave me a report on Pacemaker Syndrome.

Just a suggestion, but perhaps you should research it, and if you think your symptoms fit, then take it to your doctor.

A very good & reliable website is: www.mayoclinic.com

It's worth a shot.


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