Found Out What Imdur is/for

Prior posted asking a question about this drug, well strangley this "New" med my regular heart doc put me on to help avoid chest pains is one am all ready on with 30 mg, its other name is "isosordide, so now it sort getting to be a point of not trusting my own heart doc, as another dr gave the stress test and the reading showed a closeing and recommended another stent, , these cover up chest pain pills are not what one would expect, am getting full report from my primary care dr friday and will see what the findings were, came back to mention this and wonder how many other people on these cover up pain meds.



by Pookie - 2010-03-09 09:03:42

Hi Jim.

Are what you are saying is that the same doctor gave you the 2 different heart meds, and he (or she) wrote out the 1st script as Isosordide and then the 2nd script was written by the SAME doctor as Imdur???

If so....Run as fast as you can and find yourself a doctor who can remember what he gave you intially!!!

And if so, did you let this doctor know what they did?

At least my doctor has a running list on the inside cover of my medical folder of what drugs I am presently taking.

But yah know, nothing surprises me these days.

If it makes you feel any better, I had a doctor once who wrote a letter to a specialist saying that I was diabetic (which I am not) and that I have Hypertension (I have the exact opposite - extremely LOW blood pressure).

Since that day (November 19, 2004) I have requested and received a copy of EVERY letter, report, test, etc. anything that is in my medical file = I have a copy.

Take care,

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You run like the bionic woman.

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