Thank goodness my heart is ok

It has been a really difficult day for me. There I said it. I do not like the springtime daylight saving time! It makes me tired, it makes me cranky, it makes me want to say bad words. Thank God my heart is working so well these days. The stress of the day is really getting me down. WOW! What was that? Ah yes... THUNDER AND LIGHTENING.... a Midwestern Storm!
I am in the middle of a thunderstorm and now I am going to be sitting in the dark at any moment! I feel as if my awful day just isn't going to end! I hate being alone in a storm in the dark. Even my dog is looking stressed. My goodness I am going to have to get over this storm thing!
I apologize in advance for my venting and whining. I'm sure I have probably offended someone, sorry... However you guys are my only vice.... No one else is home!


I'm sorry you had a tough day

by dairyprincess - 2009-03-09 11:03:46

It will be ok....some days are just worse than others. It's ok to be frustrated and angry sometimes. And of course that's when the thunderstorms hit! lol

Keep your chin up, pacergirl, and know we're always here for you!

Take care,



by ElectricFrank - 2009-03-09 11:03:51

I don't like thunderstorms either. I know too much about electricity to feel comfortable around them. When I lived in Tucson we had them every afternoon from July to Sept.


From Australia

by Skelton - 2009-03-10 02:03:26

Hello Pacergirl,Well the weather here is at last starting to cool down, we have had dreadful bushfires with hundreds losing their lives and many thousands of homes gone. So roll on Autumn and winter. We are hoping for a wet winter as we are into our 13th. year of drought. Isn't it amazing, no matter what the weather we still grumble.My pacemaker just keeps on going with not much to worry about. I am 100%dependent so am most grateful for it.
Hope the storms are gone by now.
Love Barbara.

Hi Pacer

by walkerd - 2009-03-10 07:03:08

I kinda like storms except you cant use puter, power going off, chance of tornadoes but besides that lol. Were you from pacergirl Im from Indiana, I saw you said you were from the midwest. Its raining here again this morn flash flooding all around and I just heard thunder. Cold and rainy what a bla day it is going to be. I to have had the bout of depression the last few days, I think it is spring fever well I at least hope that is what it is. Hang in there hug your buddy, I know I do.


by uvagershwin - 2009-03-10 07:03:13

I love storms!! Let's switch. :) JKJK. Sorry you're having a bad day, keep your chin up and smile!!!

Hi guys... I made it!

by pacergirl - 2009-03-10 08:03:43

Yes, I am ok, climbed into bed, hugged the dog, and the storm pass by. Tornados are a big threat here in Kansas. I am a California girl and when the storms came it didn't blow my house or the neighborhood away. A heavy surf was all i ever concerned myself with. Kansas is stormy all through the spring. This is just the beginning.

Thank you all for your encouraging words. If I could send the rain to OZ I certainly would! 13 years of drought is more than anyone should have to endure. Thank you each and everyone... Somehow just knowing you guys care keeps me sane!

love, Pacergirl


by jessie - 2009-03-10 12:03:24

i know you hate being alone in thunderstorms. i remember from when i first met you. well hopefully you won't lose the power and if so you can go to sleep with the dog beside you to keep you company. sometimes they can be a blessing to have around. such good company. so hope the sun is out to-morrow. at least it is almost spring yeh!take care thanks jessie

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