I'm Officially a Pacer Chick

I finally got my PM Feb17th. I was in good spirits before the surgery, even asked if the Doctor could pull some strings and get me a Pink Sparkly PM. He was amused, however said no...what a bum! Surgery went well, although I was screaming bloody murder afterwards because of the pain and scared my surgeon quite a bit. Had some adverse effects from either the anesthesia or the pain meds they gave me after. Either way I spent most of the rest of the day vomiting. Everything is where it is supposed to be and is working how it's meant to.

I had significant pain until yesterday, now its more discomfort than pain. My whole underarm, left breast and incision area are bruised, but I hear thats normal.
I feel clearer and not so cold all the time, so my blood is circulating normally!! My heartrate is in the 60s rather than the 20s-30s like it was before.
The only thing I'm concerned about is that sometimes when I am sitting my heart starts to pound and I get this pressure in my chest. Is that a palpitation, like they were telling me to look for? It also happens when I'm exerting energy. I thought that maybe its just b/c I haven't actually felt my heart pound in so long that I just dont remember what it feels like.

Any input you can give would be wonderful =)
I'll be calling my Dr today to make my follow up appt and will ask there as well. I'd just like to hear from someone who may know exactly what I'm talking about.

Hope everyone is well =)


Welcome to the club!

by meg22 - 2009-02-23 02:02:48

I to had alot of pounding and pressure and had to have my pacer adjudted two times. I still feel pounding and pressure sometimes but now I am getting use to it. I had mine put in April of last year.


by AHONEYBUNNY - 2009-02-23 04:02:21



by uvagershwin - 2009-02-23 04:02:44

Well, it's official - you are now one of us!!! Sorry to hear about the after effects, but it's good that you can keep in good spirits. I hope everything clears up and it's more comfortable for you!!! Good luck and congratulations!!!!!

Sorry you had a rough time

by BillMFl - 2009-02-23 05:02:09

That's the beauty of Propofol. It puts you out quick, wears off quick, and blocks nausea for most people when given just prior to and during general anesthesia. With propofol you wake up dumb and happy! My wife is a surgical nurse at the hospital I have my surgery at. She meets with the Anesthesiologist before my surgery and requests he use Propofol. She learned the hard way after her breast cancer surgery. Puked for hours after having general without the Propofol. General really knocks the crap out of your body. Slows down and/or stops a lot of your organ functions.

Welcome to the Pacer Chicks Club!

by pacergirl - 2009-02-23 09:02:34

I am glad to read your surgery went well. Too bad about the upchucking afterwards.

I have a question for you, did you experience the pounding heart and pain while you were getting sick or right after? Or was it when you were completely at rest? I get very sick anytime I am given almost any pain medication. It is the first thing I tell anyone who is going to give me medication... look out, I get really sick with most drugs.

I suffered greatly before my PM implant with barely a heartbeat to keep me going and it felt very odd to me to actually feel my heart beat strongly and feel it moving. It did take me some time to get used to. It also took some time to get used to not feeling exhausted all the time.

I'd call the Dr. if the problems continue. It is too important not to.
Best of luck to you,

Thanks =)

by HB23 - 2009-02-23 10:02:26

I was very hesitant about this whole procedure to start with, but now that its over with I'm excited to feel healthy again!

I talked to my Dr. and he seems to think I just need some time to get used to being able to feel my heart beat which I couldnt before, even during exertion. He did mention the possibility of needing to have my settings adjusted, but he is not concerned that anything needs to happen right now. So he will check everything at my follow up appt next week

I have felt the pounding and pressure randomly, but it actually didnt happen until yesterday and then a few times today. It never lasts very long. I'm just going to start keeping track of how long they last, what my heart rate is during and how frequently they occur and have that ready for my Dr at my appt.

welcome to the pacer chicks!

by Tracey_E - 2009-02-23 12:02:03

Yay, you're official now!!! Glad to hear it mostly went smoothly.

Pain meds make me puke, too! Reason number one why I never take anything stronger than Tylenol. Sorry you had to go through that. No fun!

Soreness is normal.
Being aware of your hr and feeling like it's too fast or pounding is normal.
Pressure should probably be checked out, definitely ask when you call. If it turns to chest pain or the pressure is severe, call immediately or get to the ER if you can't reach them.
Problems on exertion probably means your settings need adjusted.


by jessie - 2009-02-24 08:02:20

it is good you have a great sense of humour. it is hard when you are sick to do that. so welcome to the p.m. club and just remember cab'g patch is a member to and bill hehe just for your info jessie

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