Pregnant and Stressed

Hello, I have just joined this group in search for answers. I am 20 weeks pregnant with my second child. Nearly 2 years ago I found out that I have Apical Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy. When I had my first child, I was unaware of this. Nearly 2 years ago I had a ICD implanted. I have the pacemaker/difib combo. I have a slow heart rate but with my heart disease I need the difib because my heart can just stop. It has yet to have ever gone off. But, here is my worries: As I said I am 20 wks preg. I recently found out that I am having episodes of Ventricular Tachycardia, not fun. I am wondering, with birth approaching, if it would be less stressful on my body to give birth naturally or to have a cesarian section. I am so scared that these episodes are damaging my heart even more. If anyone can offer any advice, please, send it my way!



by pete - 2009-01-19 01:01:16

If I were a woman in this situation my gut feeling would be to ask for a cesarian. Vtach is quite serious. However you only need to express your concerns to your doctors and they will point you in the right direction. Good luck. Cheers Peter

Valsalva Maneuvre

by maryanne - 2009-01-19 02:01:01

This is when you hold your breath and bear you would when you are having a bowel movement. Now I have seen this used for "witnessed V-tach" meaning it it was observed on a monitor....sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't. You should ask your doctor about can also look up information on the internet...PubMed is a good one as is the American Heart Association.

At the end of the day it's about your safety and the talk to the doctors involved.

Again all the best.

what do your doctors say?

by Tracey_E - 2009-01-19 07:01:09

It's really up to your doctors. Has your ob had a conversation with your cardiologist? I had both of my babies after my pm. They let me try a natural delivery but they kept me on a cardiac monitor and told me if things got long and drawn out, or I showed any signs of stress, they would immediately do a c-section. Both went smoothly.

How was your first delivery? Seconds are usually a lot faster and easier than a first baby. I think I pushed three times with my youngest.

There are two theories on epidurals, again discuss it with your cardio, ob, and anesthesiologist because we're all different. A side effect of epidurals (at least it was 10 yrs ago when I had my last one, it may have changed now) is a slower heart rate and lower blood pressure. I get side effects from aspirin so I was afraid to try anything that could mess with my hr so I went the natural, no drug route. I'll add it was my choice, the doctors offered me the epidural if I wanted it.

Another lady here had just the opposite experience, her doctor recommended she get an epidural so she'd be more relaxed.

Every delivery is different so ask your doctors what they think.

Child birth and your ICD

by maryanne - 2009-01-19 08:01:06

I am sorry to hear that you are having episodes of V-tach during your pregnancy.

Years ago when I had my first child and I had my PM I was treated like an anomoly and I was wired for sound when it came time for the birth and it seemed like everyone and their dog was in the delivery room. By the time I gave birth to me 3rd child there was minimal intervention.

Every woman is different. I am sure you have an OBGYN involved in your case and personally I would listen to whatever their suggestion are for the safety of you and your child. If at all possible it would be nicer for you if you could deliver naturally as then you wouldn't have to deal with post operative discomfort of a cesarian section and/or the healing time from the surgery.

Just a note. There is literature out there about Valsalva Maneuvre and how it can help terminated episodes of V-tach. This maneuvre is like bearing down when having a bowel movement or in your case giving birth. Again this is something really only you and you doctor can decide what would be best for you.

I wish you all the best...good health to you....

Cheers....Mary Anne


by Leora - 2009-01-19 09:01:02

Thank you all for your comments. This condition kinda took me by surprise. My son was 1yr when I had surgery. I always knew there was something wrong with my heart just never knew what......

Procedure's Available

by Leora - 2009-01-19 09:01:07

I have been told by my cardiologist that he will have to do a procedure, I have not been able to make it in as of yet, to discuss this with him. I am unsure of which procedure's he is talking about exactly. He said that my OB wouldn't like the fact that this was happening. But, we are military and go through a military hospital so I have an OB but when I see her is a different question. They have put me with a high risk OB. I would much rather do a natural birth with no pain meds. My first son was born relatively quick once I got to the hospital. He took 2 hours, but I labored for 4 days before then. I have a reasonably good pain tolerance, but am wondering if the stress will affect the changes that my heart has had to endure through the pregnancy. I am scared I wont be able to have anymore babies, due to the stress, because I really do want more. I would just like to still be alive to see them! What exactly is the Valsalva Maneuvre?



Great question...

by cease_not - 2009-02-04 10:02:24

I'll apologize now that I have no information for you, but I have always wondered myself about delivering with a pacemaker. I've had one my entire life and would like to be a mother some day, so I really appreciate this post. Thank you.

Me too

by Spartan21 - 2009-02-09 02:02:22

I want to be a mom some day. I have never heard of anyone being pregnant with VT. So I really appreciate this post too. Thank you.

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