For Amanda

My priv Message fuction isn't working right. Posted a reply to your question about P waves. Its the first small wave on an ECG initiated by the sinus node. It is followed by the big spike (QRS complex) and then the T wave, which is smaller and rounded like the P. Together, these three represent a normal sinus rhythm in a healthy heart. Various problems can cause a wide varation of abnormal looking or totally absent waves and unusual delays between the waves. It takes an entire text book to cover the subject. I have "Basic Dysrhythmias" by Dr Robert Huszar, former Emergency Medical Director for NY State. It can tell you all you want to know and more.



by scadnama - 2009-03-31 07:03:41

I appreciate all of the info.

I have no sinus node because of an ablation. Every now and then I go into an abnormal rhythm that is caused by my lower right atrium trying to take over.

The P waves seem to come and go as they please. Everytime I had chest pain while in the hospital, I wasn't showing a P wave. A fib was mentioned, but I wasn't given a clear diagnosis.

I am very interested in this, especially since I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow...I want to be armed and ready!!!

Thanks again,

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