I'm new

Hello all: I am a 39 year old male high school social studies teacher and long-time football coach (semi-retired in December). Three weeks after I got out of coaching, I had an emergency pacemaker procedure on Dec. 30th. Doctor said I have Sick Sinus Syndrome & Bradychardia. Today, I had a cath. and the good news is there is no blockage. However, there is some bad news: an ejection fracture of 45% and my heart is twice the size of normal. I am not afraid of mortality, because I'm a very spiritual person. However, I do have a 9 year old son whom I love very much, and my wife and I are expecting our second child in October. Can anyone tell me if they have an enlarged heart? if so, what are the dangers of a heart that is twice the size of normal....my doctor seemed very concerned this morning....thanks!


I'm New - cwilly

by cathrin585 - 2009-03-31 08:03:24

Hello Cwilly:

I'm new to this site as well. I also have SSS & Bradychardia (July-08). Although, I don't have an enlarged heart, you should definitely get to the bottom of it. What is your doctor suggesting? You may want to get a second opinion as well. In the meantime, I think you will find this site to be very helpful; many compassionate and caring people who have a variety of heart/pacemaker experiences to share. Please be sure to post an update to let us know how you're doing. Take care and try not to worry.



by cwilly - 2009-03-31 09:03:13

I like my doctor and my hospital...but your advise (about a second opinion) is what my Mother, Father, Aunt, & Uncle all told me today.  He put me on 100 mg of Atenolol and 5 mg of Lisiniprol.  Wants me to drastically change my diet and continue my walking routine.  I'm supposed to talk to his assistant tomorrow by phone, but I'm a little concerned that I wont' be seeing him until April 28th.  Thanks for the support.

Thats really big

by BillMFl - 2009-03-31 10:03:05

I also have SSN and Brady. And my heart is slightly enlarged but that's not unusual for someone who was a long time athelete. For yours to be that large it is likely you have had high blood pressure or some other problem (leaky valve?) that caused it to work extra hard. An EF 0f 45 is low, but you could live a long life with that. When the heart gets very large, it can lose efficiency due to increased thickness and stiffness of the muscle walls. There is also a risk if it becomes too large for its surroundings. And the electrical pulses can lose efficiency due to the larger mass. So ya, you are at increased risk for a variety of reasons. But getting your blood pressure down (you didn't say what it was but my bet is it has been high a long time) is very important for you. I'm not a doc, so you should do some research on your own. Reduce your salt intake, lose weight if you are heavy, take your BP meds and avoid excessive strain on your heart. No major exertion like weight lifting, shoveling snow or running untless your doc clears you.


by cwilly - 2009-03-31 10:03:19

believe it or not, even though high blood pressure runs in the family, I don't have it. sometimes, its actually low. I also have severe sleep apnea, and I believe the stress of coaching may have been a factor. Plus, my grandfather died at the age of 68 of Congestive Heart Failure. I am overweight, though.


by cwilly - 2009-04-01 01:04:17

Interrogate: Thanks, I have been on a c-pap since 2004. I can't go without it! I'm heading to Cleveland Clinic on Tuesday. ERIC

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