My Heart is twice the size of being normal.

Please, if anyone knows, my doctor told me today after my cathertization that my heart "is twice the size" it should be. How serious is this? I've heard of enlarged heart, but is this size too large? All advice would be greatly appreciated.


Enlarged Heart

by SMITTY - 2009-03-31 11:03:26

Hello Cwilly,

I guess my first question would be is your heart actually twice the size it should be, or was it just a figure of speech by the doctor to emphasize the size of your heart. Second, and most important, why is your heart enlarged? There are several things that can cause our heart to become enlarged. Only a doctor can tell you that and I would recommend that you ask him.

In addition, get the doctor to tell you what your enlarged heart means in the way of your having a normal life, or can you expect a gradual or fast decrease in your quality of life. That is if there will be any decrease at all, which there may not be.

Again, your doctor is the person to answer these and other questions about your enlarged heart and I'm sure he will be glad to do so.

Good luck,



by bobad - 2009-03-31 11:03:58

Hi Cwilly,

Enlarged heart can run from not serious to very serious. It can be a symptom of CHF, hypertension, athletics, overweight, or to a lesser degree, genetics.

Have you had a sonogram? If so, what is your EF (ejection fraction)? If your EF is in the normal range, the enlargement is probably not so bad.

Has your heart recently enlarged, or has it been enlarged for some time?

Best of luck and health,,,

Large heart

by Vai - 2009-04-01 01:04:40

I recommend you to google the topic "hypertrophic cardiomyopathy" and do some research on your condition. There are definitely things you need to learn about changing lifestyle, symptoms to watch out, precautions etc

Twice the size is a very general description and appears to sound just that a general statement. Normally a echocardiogram ought to have been done to give you more specifics about which part of the heart is enlarged, whether it is obstructive and ejection fraction.

I was dianosed with left ventricular non-obstructive hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart due to left ventricle wall with no obstruction to blood flow), since about 15 years. No symptoms for 10 years but 5 years back afib surfaced and 2 years back bradycardy and SSS surfaced. Implanted PM and on meds. Still going strong. Living life to the full.



by pete - 2009-04-01 08:04:16

This is almost certain to be cardiomyopathy. Most common part of the heart to suffer from tis is the left ventricle. Heart failure and or Atrial Fibrillation ca cause it. Some people are even born with it. You can survive with it. Ive had it for over a decade. Cheers Peter

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