
Hi everybody,
Does anyone have an idea of how soon after having a P.M. fitted you can take up swimming lenghts again?
I have had mine in for 11 days now.


Things to consider

by maryanne - 2009-02-08 02:02:30

I am not sure if this is your first PM or not...if it is your first PM then you know you have the restrictions of lifting your arm over your head for up 6weeks...the reason for that is that the lead needs time to adhere to the tissue...anchor itself .....

The other thing to take into consideration is the wound itself....if the wound is completely healed then it would be ok....

Have you seen your GP since your implant? If not these are questions you should ask them...but generally the rule of thumb is if the PM is the first time..up to 6 weeks before lifting the affected arm...and the wound must be completely healed prior to using a pool.

All the best.....cheers....Mary Anne


by Susan - 2009-02-08 05:02:24

Take it easy. I got clearance from my doc to go swimming at 6 weeks and I had a lot of pain right in my heart, probably from a lead I almost disloged. When I thought about what happened, I think my doc thought swimming was just going to the beach and not something as strenuous as lap swimming which I was doing. Although I had passed the six weeks clearance, if I had it to do all over again, I would wait longer just to be on the safe side. Dislodging a lead is not fun. I have been lap swimming now without any problem.

give it time

by aldeer - 2009-02-08 06:02:27

I went swimming at five weeks, and my pm moved down a couple of inches. Cleveland Heart Center says to wait six weeks, and if I had realized that I would have definitely waited. Those extra days will give it a better chance of healing and you can get back to really enjoying your swim.... a fellow lap swimmer...aldeer

Be patient.

by CanadianKirk2 - 2009-02-08 07:02:34

I had a displaced lead replaced in November and I asked the doctor about swimming before I left the OR. He said I could exercise in the pool and paddle around after 6 weeks but no vigorous stroking where your arm goes above your head (e.g. freestyle and back stroke) for 3 months. For the last 6 weeks I have been doing the breast stroke, paddling around on a noodle, and exercising with the pool barbells during Open Swim...no lane swimming. My 3 months is almost up. Be patient...it is worth the wait


Great question for your Dr.

by tcrabtree85 - 2009-02-08 10:02:19

Hi, Something I have learned more recently is each Dr prefers you to not participate in activities all at different matters. I suggest you call your office and ask one of the nurses.
6 weeks is what they say most of time but each person heals differently and it may take longer. Good luck!


by sputnick - 2009-02-09 10:02:22

Many thanks for all your comments. This IS my !st pacemaker, and probably because I am feelig a lot better with more energy, I am getting impatient to get going! (I never could sit still for long)!
I will just have to carry on doing gentle excercises for the time being. I miss swimming as , because I have Rheumatoid Arthritis I am restricted with weight-bearing excercise.
I am so pleased I found this site, it's good to feel like you have lots of friends out there to ask for advice x

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