
Hi, I have an awful headache, SOB, stuffy head, a cough and I have been vomiting every hour or so. I had to sleep sitting up because I can't seem to catch my breath!

I am really sick. I've taken my heart meds, but I could only keep them down for about 20-30 min. My question is how long does it take for my body to absorb the meds? My heart races each time I get sick! The last thing I need is an attack of tackycardia!

If I don't feel better soon, I will call for some help. I am miserable and now I am crying.... I feel awful....

sorry for being so down.. sniff, sniff.



by Tracey_E - 2009-04-16 04:04:14

I'd call the pharmacist and ask how long it takes to get into your system, and if they have any suggestions for how to keep it down long enough to absorb. All meds are different.

You poor thing!!! I hope it's just a 24 hr thing and you feel better soon.


by tcrabtree85 - 2009-04-16 04:04:57

I am so sorry you are sick. Sounds like you have what I had a couple weeks ago. I took Coricidin maximum strength flu and that helped me with throwing up and what not. That was the only thing that would not mess with my b/p or hr. Maybe you can call your Dr and ask if you can take that. It may help you some. I have no other advice with your meds. Sorry my dear friend hope you feel better it for sure is going around though.

Love ya,

Medication Absorbtion time

by maryanne - 2009-04-16 07:04:30

Well it looks like Cabg Patch gave you a rather detailed medical explanation. In a nut shell yes you could call your pharmacist. Generally it takes about 20-30 mins for medications to be broken down and start to digest and where you would start to feel the effects of the medication. All medications have "onset" and "half life". Your conern is the onset. With your vomitting I am not confident that you would be getting the benefits of your medication. Have you tried a gravol suppository. Normally you would take the oral preparation but with all the vomitting that you are experiencing taking the suppository is better. Also if you are vomitting that much it is very important that you have frequent small doses of fluids. Dehydration can lead to you want to stay hydrated. Try drinking something like gator aid...or even having plain tea .....

But if and whenever in doubt you can always call the pharmacist for direction on dealing with your medication.

Sorry you are feeling so unwell....hope things settle down soon.....hugs....Mary Anne

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