
On Friday as I entered and left a store, I set off the alarm. This is the first time this has happened to me since the pm implant 18 months ago.
Does this mean that the pm goes back to the factory settings, cos I had had it tweaked a while back to stop pm mediated tachycardia and I keep feeling like those same symptoms have returned slightly. However, I do have a very vivid imagination! I can always ring up and ask for a check but I thought that if it was impossible for the security gate thingy to alter the settings I could save myself the time (and parking fee at the hospital)!
Thanks Jan


Alarms - info

by Vai - 2010-08-09 01:08:55

I have not heard of a PM setting off an alarm of those security magnetic sensors at a store. So this is interesting.

However there are many on this site who has shared that the magnetic sensors may alter the PM settings temporarilt. Once you moved out of range, the PM would revert to its setting. So it makes sense to walh straight through the doorways and avoid lingering around these sensors.

My personal experience is that my PM is only affected by the magnetic sensors of 1 parrticular chain of stores. I would feel "weird" and some flutters if I spend more than a few moments at the doorway. As soon as I move away, it is normal again. So it bears out the same experience described by many other club members.

Hope this help.

Don't Know ~ ~

by Carolyn65 - 2010-08-09 12:08:52

Never had that happen to me since my PM implant 10/09. I have experienced the high-rate fees of having to park a vehicle at a hospital or even Dr. offices!

The 'parking fees' I had to pay for a whole day of parking at a hospital recently were awful. My Son was in for day melanoma cancer surgery and in the mean time, His wife, my daughter-in-law, had a seizure about the same time. She spent her day in the ER next door to the hospital he was in for his surgery. I ran back/forth.

After a very eventful, harrowing, STRESSED, exhausting day, both were released about 7:00 p.m. The parking lot we were in was closed, but a sign indicated we could PU keys at the hospital info. desk inside. Sure enuff', there were the keys, along with some other poor soul's keys still waiting to be picked up, but with a bill attached. To get the keys, after the horrific day we had, I still had to locate the EXACT change (info. desk didn't keep change). You would think the hundreds of thousands of dollars spent by our one Family in two hospitals that day might/could/would cover one all day parking fee. You think?

To see my cardiologist/EP or have any heart tests done, you have to use the same parking lot. I pay AND my insurance pays 'out the kazoo' to use this Dr. and all his expensive life saving equipment, then to leave, you HAVE to pay to get your own car out of the parking lot! No, I have tried to get them to validate the parking ~ gee, the parking company has nuttin' to do with the Heart Doctors offices/bldg. (even tho the Dr's. own the bldg.

Sorry, but this is a 'soap opera' of mine ~ pay to pay to pay or NOT get health care. I have Medicare/BCBS and pay for both of them from my fixed income.

Hope You Get Your Answer Jan,
Carolyn G. in TEXAS ~ Sweltering Hot, Need Rain ~


by sputnick - 2010-08-10 04:08:15

Thankyou for your reassuring replies. It has put my mind at rest. I realise now that I really don't feel any different to b4 I went in the store. I thought I was going to set it off on the way out cos it went off as I walked in, so I was half expecting it! It still made me jump though!
Fortunately I always carry my pm identification card with me and just showed it to the security man.I am a bit more aware now though when I go to a store, although none of the other stores I have been in react this way.
Carolyn: I don't really mind the parking fee at our hospital, it's only £1.60 and the profits go back to the hospital. You can have some of our rain if you like, we are so fed up with it!!
keep well and happy y'all ( I'm practicing for my visit to Florida in Sept)!
Jan x

Happened to me, too

by Tracie H - 2010-08-10 11:08:43

I set off an alarm at Blockbuster Video and some clothing store at the Mall of America. Other than being embarrassed, especially at the clothing store where they tried to accuse me of stealing (we had no bags...), nothing happened with my pm. If it reset, I didn't know and the pm check soon after (which was coincidence) revealed all was fine and normal.
Hope this helps!


My pacemaker sets off alarms too.

by none - 2010-10-02 08:10:26

My pacemaker also sets off some,not all,store alarms.It doesn't happen all of the time though.
I can walk in and set the alarm off and when I walk out it doesn't.Or vice-versa.Or not at all.Or both ways.I never know when the alarms will go off.
I just tell them I have a pacemaker and they let me go on my way.
Medtronic denies this can happen.
My doctor and nurses tell me it can't happen.But it does.I've even gone as far as taking everything out of my pockets,removing my shoes.Doesn't make any difference.
I've actually walked thru the alarms,set them off,told the "greeter" I have a pacemaker and he waved me thru without even looking in my bags.Stuff like that tells me this happens more often than the manufactures will admit.

Never Happened

by manuhomoeo - 2010-10-29 02:10:45

I am on pacer since 1993. No such instances of setting off alarms till now. It may due to the high sensitivity settings of that alarms. Here in India I usually carry ID cards with me. But any of the metal detectors found out my pacer! Some times I feel they are placed for simply making a fear to thieves.

You know you're wired when...

You prefer rechargeable batteries.

Member Quotes

At age 20, I will be getting a pacemaker in few weeks along with an SA node ablation. This opportunity may change a five year prognosis into a normal life span! I look forward to being a little old lady with a wicked cane!