Dual Chamber Pacemaker for Neurocardigenic Syncopy

Hi! I just got a pacemaker implanted on Jan. 14th 2009 so I am new to all this stuff. I was diagnosed 4yrs ago with Neurocardigenic Syncopy by a tilt table test which showed when I pass out my heart rate drops drastically and stops for about 20 seconds. They had me on Prozac for this for 4 yrs and it worked perfectly till Feb 2008. I use to get lightheaded and dizzy just by turning my head, pass out from hitting my elbow, after sex was a big one. After one of my last pass outs towards the end of 2008 I had stopped breathing for a few seconds in my passout which scared both my husband and I and the two doctors I had decided it was time for the pacemaker. Getting was fun to be sarcastic actually. The first surgery to place it was Jan 14th 2009 and on Jan 17th one of the leads went through the heart into the lung (no fault of y doctor just a rare and fluke thing I trust my doctor 100% and like him alot) that was extremely painful yet eneded up finding if I layed on my side in while I was in th er the pain suppsided yet the pounding of my heart still there, so the second surgey was Jan 21st to remove and replace the lead instant pain relief from that surgery. I was in a week for the whole thing. Glad to be back home and feeling alot better and would really love to talk to others who understand what I am going through. Fortunatly they were able to find out right off the bat that the pacemaker worked after I went into 2 passouts after the first surgery. I still have the passouts I think they are improving in intensity and will be talking to my doctor more on that part. I am still in the begining of things so I am not sure what's next. I do get a bit of a "claustaphobic" feeling once in awhile about it being in there but for the most part I don't even notice it there. So with all that I want support from others who are in the same boat or close to it. Thanks-Darcy



by Tracey_E - 2009-02-08 06:02:18

Welcome to the club, Darcy! You've had a rough few weeks, wishing your rapid healing and smooth sailing from here.

If you pass out again, I would call and ask to be checked. Sometimes the settings on the pm need tweaked, the standard settings they send us home with aren't right for everyone and it takes a few tries to get it just right for you.

Wow...someone else with my condition!

by Lyds - 2009-03-13 11:03:09

Hi Darcy.

I am in the same position as you. I also have Neurocardiogenic Syncope and have been fainting for 6 years. I was only diagnosed 7 1/2 months ago and this was all down to a positive Tilt Table test.

I tried added salt and excessive amounts of water into my diet, but was unsuccessful, as well as low grade steroids...also didn't work. Getting a pacemaker was the last resort, and with one weeks notice, i had the surgery 6 weeks ago.

I haven't had any "faints" per say, although have had a few episodes since. Feeling faint, tingly, not able to stand, head all foggy, breathing and speech impaired....and yet the pacemaker didn't recognise these as being "episodes". I have had 164 rate drop episodes in 6 weeks, but none when i was actually feeling my usual symptoms.... Do you know if this is normal???

I know this isn't a cure for our condition, i was hurting myself quite badly with these faints, so essentially my only option!!

Good luck with your recovery, i hope it all goes well.

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It is just over 10 years since a dual lead device was implanted for complete heart block. It has worked perfectly and I have traveled well near two million miles internationally since then.