battery life?

I got my medtronic kappa 700 in 1999. My pacemaker began a constant pace a few months ago. I was wondering if anybody can tell me how long I have before I will have to get the battery replaced? Or how can you tell if and when the battery is completely dead? Or a website where I can find this information would be helpful... Thanks!!!


please don't mess around with it

by Tracey_E - 2009-02-10 03:02:09

When's the last time you were at the doctor to have it checked?? They can tell you exactly how much time is left. If you've been in safe mode that long, you are at the VERY end of your battery life. They should have set up a time for you to get it changed as soon as it went into safe mode, if not before.

If you've never had a change, it's really easy. They go in the same place as the first time, so they're going through scar tissue. I'm usually home by lunch time and aside from some soreness, back to normal as soon as the anesthesia is out of my system. I'm on #4. :o)

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