
Hi all,
It has been a while since I have written on here. I have been feeling better since my implant in December '08. I have a dual chamber pacemaker for complete heartblock. For the last couple of weeks though I have been having the shortness of breath again, PVC's really bad, I feel bloated all the time, and my left ankle and foot keeps swelling and is slightly discoloured like a have a bruise. I spend a lot of time on my feet though for my job and things have been somewhat stressful. My family doctor tells me I need to lose some weight which I know. I am concerned about heart failure. Maybe I am just overreacting...I do have vericose veins and an ulcer which could explain some of my symptoms.
I had a lot of complications when my pacemaker was implanted, this heart condition hit me out of nowhere and they can not find any reason for it. I am just wondering if I should be calling my Pacemaker Clinic and going for a checkup or just waiting until my appointment with them in August.
I would appreciate some advice. When I complained about the PVC's at my last visit I kind of felt like the clinic staff were rolling their eyes at me. I don't want to seem like I am a whiner and perhaps there is part of me that doesn't want there to be anything else wrong. (sorry if I am rambling a bit here, it is hard to find someone to understand how I feel.)
Anyway any advice would be helpful...
thanks, Kathy


When in Doubt

by kcruz - 2009-06-27 02:06:15

When in Doubt call the doctor, that is what they are there for. your concerns warrant at least a call. As hard as it is for some of us to shake the " I don't want to be a pain" also remember you know when things don't feel right. I know in my own experience lately that they weather is causing a tool on my own system. I called my doc and the nurse was willing to order a blood test, even though after talking with her we both thought it was probably not necessary.....guess what it was, my labs were off. So please make a call.


by chip - 2009-06-27 02:06:24

I would go get it checked out - always better safe then sorry.

Shortness of breath, swelling, bloated and a lot of PVC's when put together warrent a check.

same symptons

by jhall - 2009-06-28 01:06:57

I also have complete AV block with dual chamber pacer/defib. and 100% dependant, last year had same symptoms as you . Have since been diognosted with congestive heart failure . Have they done an eckocardiagram to determine output , the fluid buildup and swelling sounds like the way i was diagnosted , I was told 1st thing to stop all salt intake ! as it causes fluid retention ,good luck ,ask about the CHF issue

I also have had similar symptoms

by ADalsmom - 2009-06-28 02:06:41

Hi Kathy,

I understand your concern since you're having problems after your heartblock procedure. I also had a AV Node ablation and dual chamber pacemaker about 18 mos ago. I felt much better after the procedure. My heart is in chronic A-Fib but the pacemaker keeps my rhythm regulated....tho I feel flutters at times. I also experience bloating most of the time and I had swollen ankles/feet with the darkening around the ankles. I also have varicose veins. My first thought was heart failure. I also have a chronic lung infection which I blame for my shortness of breath, tho at times my breathing improves. I see several drs for various health conditions and I've asked all for their opinions, which they seemed to pass over. When I went to my EP, he said that I have vascular insufficiency, the cause for the swelling and bruised appearance and checked the pulse in my ankle and he said it was strong, which ruled out heart failure. Oddly enough, I noticed pressure on my rear and thighs when I sat at my computer for any period of time. I started thinking that maybe sitting on a relatively hard chair was constricting the veins going to my legs and I now use a soft cushion on the chair and the swelling is completely gone. Maybe you need to think about conditions at home or work that would constrict the blood flow to your legs. I'm sure that having to be on your feet much of the day only aggravates the swelling. I was also told that I needed to exercise and build up the muscles in my leg to help support my weak veins and wear surgical stockings if things were well as prescribing Lasik to get rid of excess fluid. Knock on wood, but the swelling continues to be gone, tho I was told by my EP and a dermatologist that there is no way to get rid of the dark discoloration, except for laser which is supposed to improve it slightly and removes a layer of skin. I also agree that they should do an echo to make sure that your heart is functioning properly. Make an appt.....Good luck and wishes for better health.

And the same here...

by bouget - 2009-06-28 02:06:45

Have had complete heart block since '98. First single chamber, one wire, pacemaker; since '05 diagnosed with idiopathic CHF and changed to dual chamber with defib. Suggest you find the best electro-physiologist in your area. Have you checked the website: It is the most comprehensive summation of information on CHF that I have been able to find. Go an a low sodium diet, get on a water pill, and go on the usual medication: carvedilol, etc. Increase the dosage until you reach the maximum and stay on there. There is no cure for CHF so learn to live with it!

mild lymphodema?

by Hot Heart - 2009-06-28 03:06:44

Ask the doc to check if the swelling pits or not, they do that by pressing it and seeing what happens. It could be mild lymphodema, in which case keep your feet raised when you are at home chilling out, put a cushion under your feet in bed to raise them and get some compression socks or tights and see if they help.

Good luck HH

Family doctor says lose weight

by ted - 2009-06-28 12:06:34

You make the brief comment that your doctor wants you to lose weight. Why not start with that? My doctor friends tell me how frustrating it is to tell patients what to do to make their lives better and then see that the patient doesn't want to really work at helping themself. We must also do some of the work and not just nod our heads when our doctors tell us what our job is. Keep us posted on your progress.

thanks all

by sophiesnuggler - 2009-06-29 06:06:43

I am going to phone my cardiac clinic today. I have decided that sitting worrying about it isn't going to make me feel any better.

You know you're wired when...

You read consumer reports before upgrading to a new model.

Member Quotes

The experience of having a couple of lengths of wire fed into your heart muscle and an electronic 'box' tucked under the skin is not an insignificant event, but you will survive.