Epipens and PMs

I'm allergic to wasp/bee stings, so was pretty terrified to return home from shopping to be confronted by a huge great hornet, at least 3 times the size of a normal wasp in my bathroom!!! But that got me thinking, if I do get stung, I have an Epipen which I'm supposed to inject into my thigh. Obviously this is adrenaline, which increases your heart rate, and I was just wondering if - were the worst to happen and I'd have to inject myself with it - would it have the same effect, because I have a PM?

I've barricaded myself in my bedroom, and put a rolled-up blanket at the bottom of the door. I'm not coming out until my brother gets home!!! I don't want to end up in A&E tonight!! But if I'm not around for a few days, you'll know why...


should be ok but ask

by Tracey_E - 2009-05-22 09:05:42

Ask your doctor if it's a problem, but I doubt it. It'll make your heart speed up, no biggie.

Um, in the time it took you to type this, it probably left for greener pastures... ;o)

It's dead

by petrolhead - 2009-05-23 08:05:16

My brother found it in the shower, so he gently killed it. Hehe. Thanks, I'll definitely ask. :)

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