Interesting website

I was bored earlier and decided to find more information on PMs, and I came across this really useful website, which answers pretty much any technical question you can ask!

It's even got ECG readings of the heart being paced. I found this especially interesting because when I was having an EEG a couple of months ago I was also hooked up to an ECG and the tech kept asking if I felt OK which at the time I found weird because I was absolutely fine! My cardiologist later told me that the tech had seen my ECG go 'funny' when I was being paced, and that worried him. I was confused until I saw the website, and now I can fully understand why!!

Hope you find it as useful as I did!


Good website

by johnb10000 - 2009-07-12 03:07:39

That is an interesting web site.

Now I know what atrial fibrillation looks like on the EKG in figure 9.

Very Informative

by Jake93 - 2009-07-12 04:07:29

Thanks for sharing the web site, it had some great information and was good to read how the procedures are done in detail since I have only had my PM for 2 weeks now.

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I’m healthy as a horse because of the pacemaker.