Tests, tests and more tests!

I had an echo today, which seemed to go OK. They were going to do a sonovue contrast because the last one wasn't clear apparently, but they've recently got a new machine and it was really clear so I got away with no IV! The doctor and the nurse were talking to each other about what they were checking for, and cardiomyopathy was mentioned - first I'd heard of it!

When I first got there it struck me that I'm a regular there because the receptionist smiled at me and said "Hi Emma, I'll just let them know you're here!" - you know you're a regular when everyone knows your name...

Dave the technician checked my PM and the last event it recorded was Wednesday teatime when my HR was 125bpm, which isn't the fastest it's ever done, but evidentally fast enough for a recording. Then he hooked me up to a 48-hour monitor - I hate those things, I've had it about 5 hours now and the sticky patches are itching already!

I also had to have a blood test, and when the nurse came to get me, she asked if I had 'nice veins'. I didn't really know what to say to that (well, 'yes' would have done, I guess) so I said "I like them!" which she and the other patients found funny. ;)
I look quite young for my age (I always get asked for ID in pubs, even though I'm 22, and a bus driver automatically gave me a child's ticket the other day!) so she kept talking to me like I was a child - well, I am the youngest patient on their books by 50 years, my cardiologist told me the other day!

I'm not entirely sure what the barrage of tests was for, was it in preparation for the ablation? If it was, why were they looking for cardiomyopathy, unless they're looking for another diagnosis?

Hope everyone's OK, and I didn't bore you all to death! :D

Emma xxx



by petrolhead - 2010-05-20 05:05:06

Yes, I'm having an ablation quite soon - it's quite weird, I'm dreading it, but looking forward to it too kind of. Yesterday I felt great for some reason, then this morning I took my tablets as usual (I take bisoprolol) and realised I'd forgotton to take it yesterday - that'll explain why I was able to walk uphill without getting quite as breathless as usual!! My heart was able to go as fast as it wanted! So I'm looking forward to the ablation in that respect, being off the meds permanantly :)

Emma xx


by nat36 - 2010-05-20 12:05:46

When I go in to get a check-up the receptionist always knows my name also. I said the same thing you did to my husband and he said you know you are the youngest patient he sees, so it would be hard not to remember you ( I am not that young 37). So I imagine that at your age they would remember you too!! I get tests every three months right now and I have had my pacemaker for a year now. They might monitor you closely for a while. Has your doctor mentioned an ablation as a possibility? They always look for cardiomyopathy in echos I think so I wouldn't worry too much about that.
Hope all your results are great! Take care.

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I had a pacemaker since 2002 and ever since then my life has been a total blessing.