
Well home already they think it is just respitory issues not cardiac have to follow-up with my doctor



by maryanne - 2009-03-24 01:03:05

You are home quickly....you must have a very efficient ER that you go to.

So they think it is respiratory....do you have a cold? Have you been ill? Well make that appointment and keep us posted....


Mary Anne

very quick

by renee14150 - 2009-03-24 01:03:48

My Cardiologist and GP are both former presidents of the hospital so I do get seen quickly and efficiently. I have asthma so I think all these meds are messing with my whole body. I do not have a cold and feel ok except the chest pain and fatigue.

Glad you're OK

by petrolhead - 2009-03-24 09:03:32

I'm really glad you're OK (well, OK enough to not be admitted) and that you feel much better soon.

Emma xxx

good news Renee

by walkerd - 2009-03-25 06:03:01

sorry about yesterday tuesday, my puter locks up in the chat room for some reason, I saw you there but it wouldnt let me respond, I wasnt ignoring you, had to reboot and come back, then you never came back to chat. I dont know what it is about that chat room but it and my puter dont get along. But Im so glad to hear you are just suffering from a bug instead of heart thingy. lol. Like my medical language there thingy hahaha. Im not the brightest bulb in the package am I .lol. Im glad your ok.


by Tracey_E - 2009-03-25 06:03:03

That's good news! But it's always better to be safe than sorry, you made the right decision. Feel better.

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