i'm back

Just got my pm on Tuesday, am back to work today (sitting at the desk). Feeling pretty good, get a little dizzy now and then though. They set my pm at 60bpm up from 32! I am sore, but can deal with that ( sure like vicadon). How long does it take for the dizziness to get better?



by SMITTY - 2009-03-05 12:03:18

If the dizziness accompanied your pacemaker implant then something may be wrong. The only thing new that you should have from a PM implant is a little soreness. However, the cause of your dizziness could be anyone of many things, so give your doctor a call. Could be that you simply need a settings change on the PM.

I would venture a guess that 90% of the time the first setting we get with our PM is not the best one for a particular person so having to have a change is not unusual. Since that sounds like I'm blaming the doctor for missing the setting, let me add a word, Our PM comes with "factory settings" and our doctor, based on his knowledge of our problem, will or will no make a change in those settings. If he makes one that change is nothing more than an educated guess and even educated guesses can miss. So it sometimes is takes several settings changes to get it right.

Good luck with your new PM. Hope it solves your problem.



by jljmom - 2009-03-09 12:03:50

I too just got my pacemaker last week and I'm still having dizzy spells. My settings are also at 60 (was going down into the 20s and kept passing out). The doctor told me it might take up to two weeks for my body to adjust and to not be real worried about the dizziness unless it continues after that. Have you gone in for your "wound" check? They should have checked the pm then to see if it was working correctly. I'm still going below 60 bpm and thought this should not be happening. I haven't been in for my wound check yet. Does anyone know if that sometimes happens?

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