worried and nervous

hello pm friends,i got my pm on 2/09 due to 2 to 1 av block, bradycardia.after a month everything felt fine. on 10/19/10 i had a small dizzy spell that lasted a few seconds not even a min.after that i didnt feel right.more anxious and agitated, not knowing what was wrong after everything was fine before.lately seem like it been more premature beats than usual......just want to know is this normal,pm setting itself,i did have a cough that lasted a week before this,but i think the leads should have set in by now,or could they have moved....hope someone can help....thanks in advance...i have an appointment on 11/16/10 or should i check on it sooner, more nerves than anything.


Actually could be normal

by wenditt - 2010-10-22 08:10:55

Hi there,
They may very well be nothing wrong with your PM and it may just all boil down to anxiety. I get dizzy when I'm anxious, to the point that sometimes the floor is moving a little bit.

Right after that or any other feeling of being anxious my heart starts beating too fast, skips, palpitates...etc...

I would do as Smitty suggested and visit your doctor, but if have the interrogation everything turns out OK...think about what I said.

It would make sense that you got palps after feeling dizzy...feeling dizzy and such are very unnerving. You may have a little vasa vagal in you like me. Where you get a little scared when something feels "off" and your body starts going into flight or fight mode and all sorts of weird things start happening.

Good luck

Not Normal

by SMITTY - 2010-10-22 12:10:27

Hello Mimicfari,

No this in not normal, so far as your pacemaker is concerned. Normal was when everything was fine.
While your pacemaker needing some settings adjustments could be involved now I doubt that it is a major player, if any, at all. As for a lead getting misplaced, that is most unlikely to happen this long after your PM implant.

The list of possibilities for what is going on now is almost endless, but you don't need possibilities, you need to let your doctor tell you what is happening. Premature heart beats are not uncommon and our pacemakers can very little if anything about them. If your problem is a real concern to you, I would suggest that you see about moving your appointment up to ASAP.

Good luck,


Could be normal

by Dvd - 2010-10-26 01:10:10

I think winditt hit the nail on the head. The vagal nerve can be and usually is involved with arrhythmias while dealing with coughs or even bad digestive cramping. The vagal nerve is suspect in sudden death episodes like mine. I always have increased Afib, SVT and such when I have any torso upsets, even when I eat too much. I wouldn't be surprised if you get a medication change or adjustment when you see your Dr. Don't take any chances but it would be better if your cough is cleared before you go. Plus like Smitty said, once you have tuned into the palpitations, anxiety kicks in and amplifies everything. Are the palpitations worse after you have been coughing or coughing on a full stomach?

You know you're wired when...

You can finally prove that you have a heart.

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So, my advice is to go about your daily routine and forget that you have a pacemaker implanted in your body.